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I hugged them all before they walked out. I sat back down a few feet away from Lauren. "What, are you expelled or something?" she questioned. "No. I told you. I'm suspended. The board is going to have a meeting at some point, and we'll take it from there." I repeated.

Her eyes were narrowed as she scanned my face to look for signs that I was lying. Lauren was one of the two people in this world that could tell when I was lying. Lying didn't make me feel guilty, or immoral. I lied to people all the time. Lying to Lauren was a different story. "You're lying," she said. Damn it. 

I sighed. There was no way I could keep this from her. But I knew if I told her she would try to help me, which would result in her getting in trouble, and my punishment getting worse. If possible.

"Tell me" she pressed. "I can't," I said, trying to not look her in the eyes. I looked up and she was looking straight at me. Her eyes suddenly shot open. She looked at me questioningly. Fuck, I thought. "No" she breathed.

I was starting to tear up at this point. "The Quarters?" which sounded more like a statement than a question. I knew she had got me. "Parker no." "Yes," I said softly, fighting to not cry.

She had been inching closer to me during our conversation. She sat back, and let her shoulders drop, defeated. Lauren wasn't one to ever be at a loss for words. But she didn't know what to say now. I think it safe to assume that she wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to be thinking at the moment either. I had no idea. 

I hadn't even really let myself soak it all in. I accepted my punishment and walked away like it was any other day. I hadn't accepted the fact that within a few hours I would be rotting away in The Quarters. Wherever the hell that is. 

"I-" Lauren began. "No way in hell that's a real thing. They're probably messing with you to scare you into telling them whatever they want to get out of you." 

I had briefly considered this possibility but the rumors surrounding it wouldn't appear out of nothing. This myth had to have truth to it. And I was lucky enough to get to experience it first hand. 

"No, it's a real thing. And I really fucked up. And I have no fucking clue what kind of place this is gonna be. All I can do is pray that someone or something will get me out." I said. 

"I'll figure something out. We all will." Lauren stated. "No," I said, with a more aggressive tone than I had intended to. "You can't-- no one else can know about this. No one." I told her. 

She seemed taken aback. She clearly assumed that I would have told Eliza, Chloe, and Mike. But this is a risk that I felt that I was unable to take. If I wanted a chance out, it was safer to not test them any more than I already had. 

Lauren understood me better than the majority of other people. Even when it was sometimes hard for me to understand myself. So she understood the way that I was feeling now. 

We were both lost. We both could wordlessly recognize that although this situation was not optimal, our relationship with one another was more important at the moment. We were going to have to be apart, and for the first time, I was able to admit what I hadn't let anyone else see. 

"I'm scared Laur" I choked out, not even trying to fight the tears anymore. "I know, Park. I know," she answered, sliding her arm around my back. My neck stopped holding my head up, and my head fell to her shoulder. 

I was barely crying anymore. I was just staring straight ahead, trying to ignore the pounding headache from stress and all the thoughts swirling around my brain. There were still conversations that I knew I needed to have. They were the last thing I wanted to do, but frankly, I didn't really have a choice. 

Saying goodbye to the people closest to me needed to happen, but a small part of me deep down wanted just to leave without any warning. Clean break. It would make it easier for everyone. 

But I also knew that wasn't an option. I still needed to talk to some people. Mrs. Miller and Mike. And the final name who sent shivers down my spine: Amber. 

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