Chapter 1. Interview

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A/N: Hi there! This is my first time writing a fanfic on Wattpad. Or writing a fanfic in general. Anyway I go by Bear so Yeah I hope the first chapter isn't too bad! 🙃 Enjoy❤️
- Bear
Louis POV
"Who wants to come wake Zayn up?" I yelled at the other lads. "Harry does!" Yelled the blonde Irish man while trying to get Paul to ride a skateboard "No I don't!" Yelled Harry while laughing. "I'll do it." mumbled Liam "Thanks Liam at
least LIAM is being helpful around here" I said holding out the Liam while looking at the other boys
while walking towards my hotel room to pack up my stuff. We just finished our show in Raleigh North Carolina show and we were heading off to Frankfort Kentucky. We already finished our U.K tour and now we're doing our U.S tour. I got packed up and I went to check on the other lads. I saw Harry getting ready in the dressing room with Lou so I ran and tackled Harry. "HARRRY!!!!" I yelled in excitement. "Yes Louis?" Questioned the curly haired boy. "How are you?" I asked while messing his hair up a bit "Louis! Would you mind not ruining Harry's hair? I just fixed it from tired Chesire boy to boy band Harry" laughed Lou (their stylist) "sorry Lou I just wanted to say good morning to Harry" I said helping Harry up and thinking about his face when I scared him
Zayns POV
"Zayn mate.." I faintly heard as I was being shaken lightly by Liam. "What man? I'm trying to sleep" I said while turning away. I really don't like waking up  in the morning "Get up we have to leave soon." Liam said while smiling
"I will in a minute"
"Hey Liam?" I asked
"Thanks" I genuinely said while getting down from my bunk usually none of the lads want to wake me up because I've always been grumpy and moody in the morning
"Anytime Zayn" he said while walking away to get ready because he was wearing nothing but his skinny jeans on.
I got dressed and my hair done and joined Paul and the rest of the lads in the living room of our hotel room where Paul was explaining what we were gonna do today.
"Okay everyone here? Zayn. Liam. Louis. Harry..where's Niall?"
"He's either getting ready with Lou or eating" mumbled Harry as he looked at Louis
"I think he's taking a wee" said Liam mocking the Leprechauns accent
"Sorry guys I was in the toilets" said Niall
"What did I tell you?" Liam said as he chuckled a bit 
Geez Liam really has an special effect on me but I don't know what it is. After that I spaced out for Paul's whole explanation. I just followed the lads to the point when we were all in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at. Paul told us we had a few hours to kill so he scheduled a interview for us. During the interview I couldn't stop thinking the look and Liam's smile when he woke me up this morning. Of course the seating arrangement went Louis, Harry, Niall, Me and then Liam. We were seated on a fairly large couch but somehow it didn't seem as big when all 5 of us sat down. Of course it didn't seem that way with any couch we sit on. We always end up either sitting really close to each other other or just leaning on each other
"Harry do you think your fans are a bit too crazy?" The interviewer asks but we all have something to say

"No never in a million years. Our fans will always be our part of our lives no matter where we go or do we know that they are gonna love us no matter what"

"Our fans are basically our girlfriends. We can't cheat on them with a different girl or else they're not gonna be happy"

"if it weren't for the fans. We would the most boring band in the world"

After that she doesn't ask anymore questions about our fans. I think we surprised her on how much we love our fans. Instead she questions us about "the bromances" in One Direction. It's me and Liam as Ziam Mayne. Harry and Louis as "Larry Stylinson". Niall and her are gonna keep score. We were deep into the game and we were tied 5 to 5 the winner had and boy was it was  getting intense to get to 6 points
"Okay this one is for BOTH teams who can answer it the fastest. What team has answered most questions?!" She asks with excite in her voice
"Uhh Us!" Liam guesses
Team #LarryStylinson didn't have a chance to answer.
"Andddd team Larry didn't answer so team Ziam you win!"
"Yay!" I high five Liam then I rest my arm against his back and rub his back a little as he leans into me more which I didn't mind at all. Geez I'm falling for this boy from Wolverhampton who happens to be my bandmate
Harry's POV
I saw Zayn and Liam congratulating over their win then Zayn rubbing Liam's back. I smiled at myself then I looked over at Louis who was currently looking down and fumbling with his fingers. I already know that somethings up and he's overthinking about it. Louis overthinks things and he freaks himself out. I nudge him every now and then and smile at him while poking his cheek while the interviewer asked him a question. Louis immediately laughs and he looks happier. The interview ends sooner then I thought it would. We thank the interviewer and I thank everyone else in the room.
"Harry wait.!" Exclaims a guy who looks like he should be in the mountains instead of here
"Yes?" I ask turning around
"The interview ended and you get up and shake everyone's hand and thank them. Who taught you to be like that?"
"I think me mum taught me how to always be nice and have manners" I say while thinking back to the multiple lessons me mum had me say and repeat on the way to school
"So your just that nice every time you meet someone or get done with a interview?"
"Yes. I do" I say walking away smiling at the little memory I had of me mum.

A/N: I just re-read the story to make sure I like everything and if I needed to change anything. I changed some things,minor  things not major things. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I really hope at least someone will read this story.

Bye bye! See ya next chapter (whenever that is)
Love, Bear

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