Chapter 6: Skiam Cuddles

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A/N: I don't have anything but I mean look at little Liam was in this picture! OMG I CANT HES SO CUTE😭❤️ anyway yeah that's all I had to say

Niall's POV:

  I woke up with a lot more energy then usual. So me being the cheeky leprechaun I am I wanted to wake everyone on the bus and bug them to get food, because that is what I do most. Hmmm who should I wake up first? I think I'll wake up Louis and Harry mostly because Harry doesn't mind getting up in the morning. Louis hates early mornings. I quietly snuck over to where they were sleeping and I wanted to see a smile at 4 in the morning and not be possibly yelled at.
"Psst Hazza.."
No response
I poked his shoulder a bit
"Hazza? Wake up please..I'm hungry.."
I booped his nose a couple times
"Psst Harry..Can you wake up? I'm really really hungry..." I said a little louder this time.
I was about to full on shake his shoulders when I saw some pretty emerald eyes open up a bit.
"Niall? What you doing? And why did you wake me up?" he whispered while smiling rubbing his eyes
"I'm waking you up because I'm hungry and I can't wait any longer." I whined
"Fine I'll get up..give me a minute I have to get out of Louis's grip."
I walked away to leave Harry to untangle himself from Louis. I walked over to Zayn's bunk and booped his nose. I lifted up one of his beautifully ink covered arms and wrapped it around me then started pulling with all of body muscle that I had. Whenever I'm going somewhere early in the morning I like Zayn coming with me. He says he has the need to protect me and keep me safe. I like that he feels that way towards me. I feel protected and safe. He soon wakes up from me pulling on his arm.
"Ni? What ya doin?" he says pulling his arm back with no effort
"I'm getting food with Harry and I wanted you to come with me" I was surprised by his action and I tumbled backwards straight into a pair of very long legs who belonged to no other but Harry looking down at me while buttoning a shirt.
"Ni? Why did you wake up poor Zayn? You know he doesn't like being woken up." he says while messing up my hair.
"yeah i know but whenever we go somewhere Zayn feels the need to protect me" I said while pushing myself up from the floor.
"Well Zayn get dressed then we can go Nialler some food ok?"
"Yeah whatever Harold" Zayn said making fun of Harry a bit while climbing out of his bunk and putting a random shirt on he found next to his bunk
"You watch it Zedd. Keep in mind who beat you at bowling last week"
"ooo" I cooed while peeling off the shirt that I slept in to one of Liam's random jumpers over my head. Hope he won't mind.
"shush it Neil" Zayn and Harry said in unison. I push them away well tried to push them away and walked out of the bus to get food.

Liam's POV:
   I was sleeping just fine. Having a great time sleeping. Then I heard Zayn say something to Paul about being back later with food. After that all I heard was the bus doors close. I tossed and turned for a good five minutes before giving up. I'm too awake to go back to sleep. I sat up and stretched. I threw on some sweatpants then I went on a adventure to find Sky. Hmm she watched a rom com with Harry last night then ate a bunch of food with Niall. So maybe she got tired of Niall and went to Louis's bunk. Louis got really upset last night so he went to Harry's bunk to talk about it. He ended up snuggling and having a sleepover with Harry. Not a surprise there. I crept over to Louis's bunk and there she was. Curled up into a ball in the middle of the bunk. I gently picked her up bridal style and I walked towards the couch. I set her down on my lap and I gently starting to stroke her hair and rub her back to get her to wake up.
"Sky..wake up.." I whispered in her ear
instead of getting a response. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso
"Sky come on...We can play Mario Kart if you wake up.."
I always usually tried to have her a bit lively during the day. Usually she's stuck on the bus all day and she can't really come to photoshoots or meet and greets with us because 1 main thing would scare her. Our fans.
"Nooooo..Liam don't make me get up.." she groaned while shifting a bit so she could put her head in the crook of my neck.
"Fine. You can stay asleep for now" I said giving up trying to get her up.
"yay. Thanks Payno"
"Anytime Sky.."
I soon felt tired again and before I knew it I fell asleep on the couch with Sky in my arms.

Harry's POV:
*on the way back from getting food*
"Hey Hazza I have a question"
"Yes Nialler?"
He didn't respond so I turned around and he had stopped dead in his tracks and looked up at me and smirked. I tilted my head in confusion. He raised his arms up.
"Carry me H" He said while walking closer to me
i bit my bottom lip to avoid laughing.
I picked him up and started walking again.
"Hey Zayn?" I asked while shifting Niall in my arms
"Yes Harry?" he said not looking up
"I love you"
"I love you too H" he looked up and kissed my shoulder since he was a little too short to kiss my cheek. We soon got to the bus we passed out because after our long day we were super tired.

A/N: this chapter was a tad bit shorter then usual. Sorry about that. I just didn't know what else to write about. Love ya guys❤️ - bear

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