Chapter 2: The Cuddling Session

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A/N Hello currently where I live I am writing this at 3:00 in the morning. Anyway this isn't about me. Enjoy the chapter 😄

Niall's POV

Me and Harry were outside of the hotel and we were currently taking pictures with the fans and signing things while the 3 other lads were in the tour bus talking with Paul about tomorrow nights show in Kentucky.
"Niall! Harry! Come on we gotta get to the airport!" Paul yells over the fans screaming.
"Harry lets go." I say as I tug on his jumper sleeve with all of my strength Harry soon had moved and much to my surprised he picked me up took some selfies with fans while holding me. A few pictures later he put me down and also gave me a love bite on the neck he winked at me then continued to take pictures.
I started walking to the tour bus  while rubbing my neck. He bit down hard when he gave me that love bite, also trying not to think of all the photos we're gonna be tagged in. I shook those thoughts out of my head as I walked into the bus. I closed the door and sat down next to Zayn who was currently passed out on top of Liam's chest
"Hey Tommo come here."
"What now Ni?" Louis said while pulling on a white striped shirt on. That boy sure loved stripes.
"Zayn and Liam and cuddling." I said while cheekily smiling
"Niall that's-" Louis already know what I'm gonna do.
Liam's lecture got interrupted by Harry walking in the bus "Aye boys what pranks  are we gonna do today?" Harry exclaims quite loudly as he winks at me and also climbs into the tour bus and shuts the door muffling the fans screaming.
"Shh!" Me and Louis say in unison. We knew very well if Harry woke up even one of the boys they're would be very grumpy and moody until one of them fell asleep again. I saw Zayn turn in his sleep a little bit. So I took that as a hint not to wake them up.
"Let's just forget about them for now okay?" I ask while slowing backing up afraid we woke them up and pushing Harry and Louis away.

Zayns POV

I got woken up by someone lifting me up and putting me on their chest and their arms wrapped around my thighs started walking. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Liam.
"Liam what you doing?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. I don't know how long I've been asleep for but I do know two things. One the afternoon sun hurts my eyes, and two my hair isn't in its natural quiff like state. I bet Louis and the lads messed it up
"I had to wake you up because we're walking into the airport to leave to Kentucky" he explains while someone is rubbing my back
"Glad your awake Zayn." Paul said while laughing along with the lads. They know I don't like waking up. That's the last thing I heard before I hear screaming fans and suddenly I got scared and overwhelmed. I love our fans. I really do. It's just sometimes they're a little too loud for my liking. I'm not quite out of my shell yet. I quickly buried my face in Liam's neck. While I heard the fans saying "Aw cute it's a Ziam moment"
"Aw Zayn it's ok. They just wanna say hi.." He says trying to comfort me and drawing shapes on my back with his thumb
"I know it's just a little overwhelming and stressful Zayn but it's ok."
Niall says while fixing my hair up a bit Niall has this weird thing that he doesn't like having MY hair messed up. He's very cute sometimes. Other times he's either hecka tired or annoying.
"Don't worry Zayn. I'm here and the rest of the lads are here plus we got Paul to keep us safe"
Liam says while finally putting me back down on the ground after him carrying me from the bus to the check in for the airport.
"You ok Zee?" Harry  asks while looking at Liam with a worried look on his face then back at me.
"Yeah I'm fine just a little overwhelmed"
Next thing I know is I'm on the plane and we're about to take off. I'm minutes away from falling asleep. I'm distracting myself by looking out the window and watching the sunset. It's quite relaxing and I don't even notice that the plane took off. Next thing I know I'm falling asleep on Liam's shoulder listening to Niall's crazy fan encounters.

Louis POV

After I saw Zayn fall asleep on Liam's shoulder listening to Niall's story. I smiled to myself because I knew Zayn had a crush on Liam.
"Yes Lou?"
"Why is Zayn always falling asleep on you?"
"I don't know. Maybe he wants to be closer with me?" He shrugs and pats Zayns head gently and fixing his shirt. Soon enough after that short conversation with Liam he fell asleep leaning his head on top of Zayns.
"Louis are you up to cuddle too?" Harry said while smiling and blushing
"Of course Hazza" I said while getting comfortable next to Harry. Not even 15 minutes into cuddling with Harry he's out and gently snoring on my shoulder. I pull out my phone and take some pictures. My personal favorite was him slightly smiling in his sleep. I tweet the picture. Soon after I tweet it. I fall asleep.
Niall's POV
I come back from talking to Paul to see all 4 of my bandmates cuddling and sleeping. So the cheeky Irish leprechaun I am I decide to draw on their faces. However I didn't want to wake them up. Especially Zayn and Louis. They're the grumpy ones when woke up. So I lightly drew one thing and backed up in case I woke them up. I ended up drawing a mustache on Zayn and Harry and I drew glasses on Liam. Louis I wrote "I'm very VERY  British" on his forehead. Plus I signed my signature on each of the boys right hand. I took pictures of them. Some of them were selfies. I tweeted them and captioned it "Don't even fall asleep near me unless you have food. Then your A okay" I tweeted it and then I passed out on Uncle Si's shoulder while talking to Paul about tonight's show

A/N: I'm sorry this was kinda a short chapter. I've been busy lately. I'll probably update it and edit it later. Bye bye!

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