Chapter 3: Skylar

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Hello. Now keep in mind people. I have no life. (Jk Instagram is my life) anyway yeah it's 4:10 a.m here. So I'm very tired and I'll probably pass out writing this😂. ONTO THE STORYYY!! Enjoy! (P.S it was almost 4:00 in the morning when I wrote part of this)
11/04 hi this is a longer chapter
-Bear 💙

Harry's POV

     Me and Zayn were walking around town looking for food that we can bring back to the tour bus so the rest of the lads can eat and stop freaking complaining on how hungry they all were. Paul told me and Zayn to go before Niall gets hangry and throws a fit.
"Do you think they will be okay with anything?"
Zayn asks while rubbing his pretty chocolate eyes. While looking up at me. It was about 4:30 in morning, Niall woke us up super early just to tell us he's hungry.
"I would hope so. I mean Niall eats anything. I'm guessing the other lads would too, as long as it's food". I said while laughing a bit.
We soon found a McDonald's and stopped there and we got a lot of food. Luckily Paul gave us his credit card before we left so we would we leave sooner. After we got the food we started the walk back to the hotel we were staying at. Zayn didn't really seem to be a talking mood. I'm guessing he was just really tired. Which is normal. I just let him get lost in his thought. Which is a everyday thing that happens

Zayn's POV

Me and Harry just got to the hotel where we were staying and where the bus was and we gave Paul his card back and the lads their food. Which they literally fought over. We've been a band for a while now, but I'll never get used to Niall fight over food. I smiled to myself as I started to walk back to my bunk to try and go back to sleep but I stopped when I was about to jump onto my bunk, I saw something outside the window, it was a small girl sitting on the sidewalks rubbing her hands against each other trying to get them warm. It was still quite early in the morning and it was very cold. The girl wasn't wearing a jacket. I felt bad. Hell I've always felt bad for homeless people. I thought about helping her. I walked over to Niall and grabbed the burger out of his hands. Plus I grabbed one of my thick hoodies and one of Harry's beanies to give to her I didn't care if they yelled at me or not. I needed to help this girl. I walked outside the bus with the food and clothes in my hands. I slowed down as I approached her. I didn't want to scare her.
"Hello..what are you doing out here all by yourself?" I asked while giving her the items I had in my hands
"I um live out here. This is my home." She said while looking down. well I least I didn't scare her
"Hey it's okay. I just saw you out here in the cold. So I thought I would help you out." I said while smiling
"Thanks, but you didn't have to." She says
"Yeah I know I didn't but I always feel bad if I've haven't helped someone. Anyway what's your name?" I asked
"Oh it's um Skylar" she said while putting on the jacket then the beanie.
"Skylar what?"
"Skylar Maine" she said while smiling.
Wow she had a beautiful smile.
"What's your name beautiful stranger?" Skylar asked while blushing a bit
"It's Zayn Malik. I'm part of the boy band One Direction."
"Wait. You mean your part of One Direction? You mean your telling me your friends with Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson?" She asked while counting the boys on her fingers to make sure she got them all
"Yes I am. Would you like to meet them?" I asked while chuckling I find it so cute when fans meet us for the first time.
"Uh yeah why not?"
"Okay let's go" I stand while getting up and offering my hand to her
I heard her mumbling something but I didn't say anything about it. I just held onto her small little hand and walked towards the bus.

Skylar's POV

I was going to meet my favorite boy band in the world. Before I became homeless I would listen to them all the time with my older sister. We would sing and dance around my room. That changed after everyone I loved got in a car accident. My sister passed away right after the crash. My dad survived for a couple of months then passed away. My mom passed away from the harsh impact on her skull from the roof of the car. I was left alone. Since that day it was me and my dog Benji was all I had. I decided to give Benji to a shelter where he would get a nice home where he would feel loved and comfort instead of living on the streets like me. Now I'm all alone. I mean I don't mind being alone. It's just I never thought I would end up on the streets. I still kinda go to school. I mean I go when I want to. I told my school counselor what happened. He talked to the principal about it. He said he was deeply sorry about what happened and said I can come when I want to. It wouldn't count against me as skipping school. That brings me to today. I was sitting on my corner of a street near a huge arena that held like bands playing and artists touring and stuff. I've always wanted to see what it was like on the other side. Ya know see a band live? Yeah but I mean what was the point? I'm homeless. Where would I get hundreds of dollars to see a band play? Nowhere that's where.
"Sky? You ready to meet the boys?" His deep but calming Bradford accent brought me back from my thoughts  while gently squeezing my hand and smiling at me
"I'm a little nervous If I'm being honest but I'm mostly excited." I said while scratching my already bruised arm
"Why are you nervous?" He asked while looking at me dead in the eyes his eyes were so fucking pretty. God I'm in love.
"Um because I'm meeting my all time favorite boy band in the world!" I say while giggling a bit.

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