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Honestly all I need is a hug from you.
All I need is to feel your soft, gentle hands wrapped around my waist.
To feel your skin against mine.
To be held by my lifesaver.
By my soulmate, smile and by the one I feel so surreal about.
By the one I thank god everyday for bringing into my life.
You don't know me.
But just by me knowing you, feeling the way I do about you... just by that I feeling, I feel loved.
All I want is to whisper in your ear those three simple words that hold so much power in them, that have been said millions of times by millions of people in millions of different situations and ways.
Those three words that have been thrown around with no meaning.
That have saved so many people.
All I want is to tell you I love you.
All I need is for you to hear my voice whispering in your ear the truth that I must tell you. The truth that you must know. You've heard millions of people say it before I know that for a fact yet I still feel this urge to tell you so. To tell you I love you.
I would do anything for just one minute, one moment, to be held in your arms and fell like I'm safe, like I'm... home.

I was so afraid to publish this because it's pretty personal /:
I hope whoever's reading this enjoyed it and maybe even relates to it <3

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