~does he feel the same?~

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I watched him sleep.
He looked so peaceful.
So complete.
He looked so calm.
I wonder what he's thinking about...
I wonder if he feels the same way that I do...
Now, you're probably asking yourself
"what does she even mean when she says 'the same way that I do'?"
What am I feeling?
I don't even know.
Every time I look at him... my heart, it just shatters into a million pieces yet at the same time, it smiles this... lovesick smile.
I look at him and it makes me feel whole.
It makes me feel complete.
I could look at him sleep for hours without even moving. Without needing anything but him as my view.
It probably sounds creepy or crazy, but it's because you don't know how I feel. I don't even know how I feel.
When he walks in the room, everybody else, they all just suddenly disappear. It's like he's the only one there.
When he smiles my heart literally melts.
It's like, he's an angel that has this, huge impact on my life and on my feelings.
His laugh is music to my ears and heart.
His eyes are my favorite work of art.
He's my home.
It's like he's my everything and nothing less.
I want to give him a tight hug and never let go.
I want to be the reason for that heavenly, enchanting smile.
I want him to play with my hair and call me cute nicknames.
I want him to cuddle with me and make me laugh.
I want him by my side at hard times.
I want him to look into my eyes and tell me everything is going to be ok.
But most importantly...
I want to make him happy.
I want to see him smile.
I want to hear him laugh.
I want him.
I need him.
It's like, there's nobody else in the world that could ever, make me feel what he makes me feel.
I watched him sleep and suddenly I felt... overwhelmed.
I'm writing this with so many tears scrolling down my cheeks and with all my heart which is beating like crazy and with all of these different emotions that I don't even know how to put into words.
I don't know what he's doing to me.
I can't understand what's wrong with me.
I don't know how to make my feelings stop.
I can't help but wonder what's going on inside his head.
I can't help but wonder if he feels the same way that I do.
But then, I go back to reality and realize...

he doesn't even know I exist.

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