-Chapter 3-

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Ryes POV

Mikey put on some music on youtube and started dancing around. I got up from the sofa and turned the music off.

"What was that for?" Mikey asked.

I ignored his question and took the bottle of beer out of his hand.

"Hey, give it back" Michael said sounding like a child.

"I'm not going to give it back, now go to your room and do whatever you want to"

"Why can't I do that down here?"

"Because I said"

"I bet your bringing over some friendsss" Mikey said dragging the 's'.

"Would it matter? I need to look after you until your parents get back which is a long time for the way you're behaving" I spoke with sass.

Michael just groaned and stomped up the stairs. Wow that was easier than I expected. I'm surprised that he actually did as he was told considering he had alcohol.

Mikeys POV

I went to my room for a reason. Not because Ryan told me to.. it's because I couldn't face being down there with him.. I don't know why but I just can't look at him without having thoughts, without blushing just looking at him.

I bet it's probably the alcohol is kicking in because all I can think about is Rye.. his perfect body, eyes, touch, lips.. I wonder what they would feel like on mine?


Sorry for not updating in sooo long, I've been busy with school, family and my birthday coming up🎉

This was a pretty short chapter :/

Hope you're enjoying this new book :)

~ MA

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