-Chapter 4-

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Ryes POV

I was just sitting there alone on Mikeys sofa watching the TV until my phone pinged.


I'm here! come let me in x


Ok im on my wayy x

I walked over to the front door and unlocked it. Andy stood there looking so handsome, his light blue eyes glistening in the moon light. I couldn't help but bite my lip at the sight of him just stood there.

"Come in babe" I eventually said, breaking out of my trance.

"Thanks" Andy replied as I stepped out of his way and locked the door behind him.

He just stood there gawping at the interior of the house. I smiled at how cute he was and wrapped my arms around his waist. I started kissing down his neck which made him shudder. I smirked against his smooth skin, then unwrapped my arms so that we could both go and sit on the sofa.

Mikeys POV

I heard an unfamiliar voice from downstairs.

Who has Rye brought round? Is the person Ryes boyfriend?

I felt tears form in my eyes at the thought, I've only known him a few hours and I'm attached. I know I've had alcohol but that isn't the case. I decided to get up from my bed to get a drink of water.

I realised that I was just in my boxers but I'm sure that would be okay. I opened my room door and stepped lightly forward, just enough to see over the balcony. I looked down to see a blonde haired boy sitting on Ryes lap.

Who is he?

I stepped back from the balcony and walked down the stairs. I felt Ryes and the blonde haired boys eyes on me as I walked through to my kitchen with my head low. I searched my cupboards for a glass and eventually found one.

I placed the glass on the counter top and then knealed in front of the freezer. I opened the freezer door and grabbed a handful of ice from the cold ice bag. I put the ice into my glass once I closed the freezer door. I walked around the edge of the table and turned the tap on and filled my glass.

Andys POV

A black haired boy came down a grand staircase and walked into his kitchen to get a drink. I got off of Ryes lap and sat next to him.

"What's up Babe?" Rye asked acknowledging that I was no longer on his lap.

"Nothing" I said with a slight sigh.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure" I said then kissed his cheek.

The smaller black haired boy walked past me and Rye and gave me a death stare.

Why? Why did he give me a death stare? Does he like Rye?

I brushed it off knowing that if Rye saw me bothered he would ask. I decided to cuddle up to Ryes side because I didn't know what else to do..


Heyyy guysss😊🌙

1) in the next chapter will be a little insight on Mikeys past (flashbacks) 🍻

2) I honestly can't wait until Wednesday because it will be my birthday!🎉

3) im not sure if i should post pictures and stuff about my birthday (let me know in the comments if i should)

4) i hope y'all had/have a good day/night☀🌙

~ MA

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