-Chapter 12-

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Andys POV

I stormed out of Michaels house with tears threatening to spill. I can't believe that Rye just broke up with me. While I was walking to my apartment I changed his name on my phone back to "Rye".

Once I reached my apartment I walked straight into my room and began to cry. I couldn't help it, I heard my room door causing me to look up. It was my roomie Harvey. I just looked up at him as he walked over to me.

Harveys POV

I hate seeing Andy all teared up. I sat next to him on his bed and pulled him in for a hug. I asked him quietly as to why he was crying. I should've known. Rye was bad for him but Andy wouldn't listen.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" I suggested.

Andy nodded in return, we both got up from his bed and got ready to go out.

We arrived at the ice cream parlour and ordered what we would like. Me and Andy sat down at a pink table in the parlour because it was Andy's favourite colour.

Andy and I were almost finished our ice creams when Rye and a younger looking boy entered the parlour. I could see that tears were starting to build up in Andy's beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you want to leave now?" I asked him.

"Please" he answered.

I took Andys hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. Rye bumped into Andy, staring at our hands. He said something to Andy but I couldn't make out what it was. So I stopped walking and turned around to face Rye.

"What did you just say?" I asked him.

Ryes POV

"I said that he was a slut" I answered making Mikey turn around.

"You take that back" Harvey spat.

"Nope, I take it you're his new toy boy" I said pushing him back by his shoulder.

I could tell that Andy was scared and sad, his eyes say everything about him.

"Rye don't even" Mikey said taking my hand to pull me back.

Out of nowhere I seen Harvey raise his fist. His fist connected with my face causing my nose to bleed. I looked at him evily then punched him twice as hard in the nose.

"Rye let's go" Mikey said taking my hand again and dragged me out of the parlour.

"You never were any good for Andy!" I heard Harvey shout.


I'm back again guyss

Sorry for the long wait on this chapter I've been kinda busy

This chapter isn't the best

Hope to have more chapters up soon



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