Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Back To School

Once I arrived back home after catching the local metro by Hunter's house. It was way past midnight but my family wasn't asleep, most of them were awake in the living room watching the latest news reports while the girls were in the kitchen with the babies.

"Dillon, Callie and you both have school in the morning." Lena reminded us. There was no way I was getting my needed 12 hours of straight sleeping. Oh well, I'll probably be to hyped on pain medication. I told the girls their goodnights before climbing the stairs up to my bed.


It doesn't even feel like I have actually slept. I don't even look like I have slept in a week. Regretfully I left my warm cozy bed, for the shower. After that I changed into a pair black leggings, and my oversize sweater with a black heart on it. Sitting on my bed I quickly put on my socks and Uggs boots with the lace up back. I decide to just my finger through my hair before putting on the black beanie. Even though I love in California, there are defiantly cold days and today was one.

"Good morning." I greet my family.

"How do you feel this morning?" Mia asks pouring me a cup of hot chocolate, my favorite.

"My arms and legs are in a little pain but not like they were in the hospital. The places on my sides were the doctor pulled the glass out hurts pretty bad but only when I move." I reply, before I hear a car horn from outside. It was probably Vincent, he was ready to go to work which meant he needed to drop off me and Callie. Us girls are on a strict no driving rule that being enforced by everyone. It was just one accident, and yet everyone is freaking out about it.

When we got to the school after what seemed like hours since Vincent declares to drive as slow as a freaking turtle. People stared and when I mean stare, eyes as wide as saucers and mouths hanging open so big I think some had a birds nest in them. But when Vincent pulled out of the schools parking lot, everyone got back to normal talking about things with their friends, they were talking about me.

"You know I can hear all of you!" I shout out loud for everyone to get a clear sound. "I'm deaf you know."

I ignored them and just kept walking until I reached the safety of my locker. Callie wet off somewhere probably with her teen mom friends. The first bell rang signaling for me to get my butt to class.

"I hope this day goes over in a blur." I whispered to myself sitting in my back row desks in my honors American Literature class.


By the time lunch rolled around I was ready for anything. People were coming up to me all day saying their pity parties for me, some even asked about my scars and stuff. I just told them the truth then politely told them to leave me alone until I have healed.

"So it seems that miss popular just got more popular." Callie says sitting down across from me. She has been in a bad mood all day, and it really is starting to make me mad. I know she is posses about the accident and recent things but she doesn't have to take it out on me, I was the one who could of died not her.

"Are you pregnant again or something?" The last time Callie ever really said something rude or mean to me was when she was pregnant with Brantley.

"Whatever, Dillon." She yells at me. Callie stood up and walked away from our table over to her other friends. Oh, well. I guess I can go home now.

I stand up walking away from lunch and school. Grabbing my stuff, I left, literally walked right out of school towards my house.

"Ow!" I yell out tripping over my own foot, I landed right on to the hard concert. "That hurt." I say collecting myself. I sat up, my sides, head and stomach were killing me. I put my hand over my hurt side.

"What the hell?" I whisper pulling my hand from my side to see it covered in blood. Oh great my stitches were open now. Just freaking awesome. Could this day get any worse.

Dialing Vincent, number first I came to a voicemail. Then I tried dialing everyone else, who I knew would be at our house, and I got no body. "Is this ignore Dillon Day or Give Dillon Hell Day?" I sarcastically tell myself. I laid down on the sidewalk putting pressure on my bleeding side.

"Hello?" Finally someone answered their phone.

"Hunter, I'm on the sidewalk on tenth street. I need help, you need to take me to the hospital, please hurry." I babble, tears start running into my hair.

"Dillon, hold on. I'll be there soon I promise." Hunter replies I can hear in the background, his car start up.

"It hurts." Is all I whisper. My head was killing me. When I fell I tried to catch myself but my reflexes are slow now since the accident. So I hit pretty much face first into the concrete.

I hear a vehicle pull up beside me. "Dillon!" A familiar male voice rang out. I just closed my eyes, happy that somebody was able to come get me. Before too long, I was in a comfy seat, headed towards the hospital, I hope.


"I want to put her on a bed rest. That means no school, no racing, pretty much no moving. I feel terribly for having to do that to Dillon, but it's the only way from her to heal. She fractured more rids, fractured her wrist and pulled out her surgery stitches. You are lucky she didn't cause another concussion." A familiar old male's voice woke me up out of a dream. I look around to see, I'm in the hospital again. Doctor Moore, Vincent, Lena and Hunter are by the door talking.

"Ugh, that was one nasty fall,wasn't it?" I say loud enough for them to hear me. They are turn to look at me.

"I'm happy you are awake, Dillon. How do you feel?" Doctor Moore is the first to greet me. Of course he takes out his little clip board, please no question! "I was just going over with your family, the rules of your healing and medicine. Now I know you would like to go home, and I have checked your chart. And you will be happy to know I'll have your brother and sister in law to come with me for the discharge papers." Doctor Moore, Vincent, and Lena left the room.

"Thanks," I tell Hunter looking down at my hands smiling.

"What were you doing out of school, Dill?"

"I didn't feel well, I tried to call everyone but no one answered." I lied through my teeth. I wasn't going to have anybody blame Callie or have Callie feel bad for my not so smart decision.

"Now, that's a lie. I may not have known you for long bug I can tell when you lie."

"What are you a lie detector?" I sarcastically say rolling my eyes at him.

"You better get used to me, Dillon. It looks like I'm going to be your babysitter." Hunter replies sitting on my bed by my feet. He was the one who put me in the hospital just a couple days ago and my family wants him to babysit me, oh wow! They are definitely a little cray- cray.

"Well, let's get going. Gang is fixing dinner and I kind a want to be there when try burn down my house." Vincent announces to the room. He had a wheelchair for me, I stood up with the help of Hunter and sat down. I could get used to this wheeling around part.

We went out to the car, Vincent started putting the wheelchair in the trunk, when I scolded him for stealing from the hospital. Everyone laughed and explained that since I am pretty much on bed arrest, that I get to keep the wheelchair.

"Oh I definitely see a wheelchair race tomorrow." I whisper to myself. It must have been loud enough because we all ended up in laughs. This day sucked but I just ended it on a high note.

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