Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

So it's been weeks, okay that's a little too long. It's only been two maybe three days since I have left my precise gorgeous bedroom. What can I say? I'm a little bit exhausted and stressed. First the girls have practically decided everyone for me about this upcoming wedding, they even found my wedding dress and the church. Everything is done for. Then secondly, Vincent an Lena have decided to adopt Jaxie. Okay, so the second one is not that bad. But this third one is, Theo has decided that he also wants a child. I have no idea why the sudden rush to marry and have children is all about. But there is no way a watermelon is coming out of me.

"We will adopt." I calmly informs Theo. I have been here, at his house, for the last hour trying to get him to adopt a child or something.

"I want my own children, Dillon. Now it's either a yes or I'll find someone else." I think and think, " Okay, fine someone else." By now, Theo looks definitely mad. His face redden with the anger he is trying to keep inside of himself, but of course, I am a fight starter.


Theo has cancer? Cancer is in Theo? My childhood best friend turned worst enemy has cancer. As if my world was already broken, it just shattered into a billion more pieces. Tears fall from my face, I'll have his child. I'll marry him. If it's his dying wish, I'll do it. "I'll do it." Theo just sits there calmly in his chair, staring at me, as if I'll break at any moment.

"You can go." Theo simply says. I left, I went straight home and took long long shower.
After trying to process everything, I decided to move the wedding to this Saturday. I'll be with Theo until he passes. I'll learn to love him, I'll learn to be his wife and his future child's mother. I'll do what it takes to make sure his dying wishes are fulfilled. That he passes comfortably. Thinking about his life, tears and tears fall. "What's wrong?" Vincent asks crawling me to me on my floor. Yeah, we are laying on my shaggy floor looking up at my blank white ceiling.

"Theo has cancer."


"His last wishes are to be married and have a child." I take a breath, "Thats why he asked me to marry him. He just told me today."

"Are you going to fulfill them?"

"As much as I dislike him; there is a part of me, my old little girl self, that will do anything for her best friend, even if it meaning laying a watermelon."

"You do know, that having a baby is not laying a watermelon?" We both laugh at my choice of words, "I will support you in every way. Even if it feels like I'm disappointed; inside I'm still supporting you."

"Thanks, Vincent."

"Anything for you baby sis." With that Vincent leaves me to myself. I hvae thoughts and memories flashing of before my multiple accidents and how perfect my life was. With just racing, school and my family; now I have Theo, Hunter, my family and no racing. Besides that soon I will be a married 17 year old. Isnt that so normal? "The phone is for you." Lena's voice keeps me from my thoguhts.

"Who is it?"

"A frantic Mrs. Andersen." Lena says tears spilling from her eyes. Its probably because of something stupid.
I grab the cordless phone from my crying sister-in-law, and lay back on my bed. Lena, surpsringly, sitis in the chair next to my bed. They put it there once I got home from my coma, that way if something happens in the night they would be right there. "Hello?"

"Dillon?" A weeping crying voice says.

"Yes, Mrs. Andersen."

"Im sorry, honey, but you need to come to the hospital. Its Theo." The phone drops out of my hand, as much as I hate that little bastard, I dont want him die. Lena hugs me and frantically calls for Vincent. I cry and cry like there is no tomorrow, of course this is like the fifteenth time this has happened. "I need to get to the hospital." I yank out of my family's arms, grab my purse and keys, leaving for the hosptial.
"Dillon?" Mrs. Andersen asks leaving her seat by Theo's bedside to greet me. I just stare at the tubes and the beeps that come from machines that are keeping Theo alive. "So this is what my family felt," I whisper to myself. "He became sick. I never thought the flu would be the thing to take his life."

"I just saw him today, He wasnt sick then."

"Oh, dear, he put on a front for you. Theo didnt want you to know he had the flu or the cancer. He just wanted you to marry him and not because he had cancer."

"I was a terrible little girl when I was younger." I take Mrs. Andersen's previous seat and grab ahold of Theo's fagile hand. "Dear Dillon, you just did what you had to do. It was never your fault." Mrs. Andersen tries to comfort me. If I didnt stop being in his friend, then I could help him through everything, keep his secrets, and most importantly been his best friend.
"But it was, I was Theo's best friend, his onlu friend and I betrayed."

"You didnt betray him. You never left him becasue he always loved you. Do you understand why he even took over the business after you stop being his friend? He did it because your crew was a rival meaning that you guys were enemies. He could still see you, he wants to be with you. My Theo loves you, Dillon."

"Can I have a few minutes alone with Theo?" I politely ask Mrs. Andersen. She shakes her head before leaving me alone with her ill son. "Theo, Theo, Theo, when we were little you used to say you were invincible and immortal. I believe you are invincible but immortal not so much. You deserve so so much out of life." I pause to wipe my tears away. I deeply stare at the boy laying before me, "I'm sorry, Theo. I can love-love you. I can best friend love you though. Please, don't leave me! Please, Theodore!" I call out for him to wake.

"It's going to be okay," Mrs. Andersen wrapping her hands around me as I sink to the cold title ground. "It will be okay, Dillon."

"I'm so sorry." I tell her.

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