Chapter two

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We reached a large Statute of a hipogriff and Professor Mcgonagall said the password. The statue opened up to find an office. As we stepped in, headmaster dumbledore himself stepped down a set if old, creaked stairs. "Ah, Minerva. What brings you here?" "This, sir. Her uniform." Dumbledore took one look at my uniform and I could tell even he was confused. "Well... It appears that the sorting hat is having some... Trouble." He went to retrieve the hat. "Hat!" The hat sprouted to life. "What?!" It snapped. Dumbledore rolled his eyes. "This girl. It's appeared she's been placed in gryffindor!" "I know. I put her there." The hat said sassily. "And Ravenclaw. And Slytherin. And. Hufflepuff. " dumbledore said slowly. The hats "brow" of sorts furrowed. "Yes... I was having trouble sorting her..."

I ran back to the Gryffindor common room. Apparently I was... Something called a matrix. They are very rare, only one in history of, well, ever, has been found. Her name was celestial and she was sorted into all four houses. Just like me. They had a special room for her and everything. And now that rooms mine. I smiled in delight. A room! A shower! All to myself! I gathered my things and put sherlock back in his carrier. Explaining to all the girls why I was leaving, I put my robes and other things up. Apparently, according to Hermione, the room became whatever you wanted it to look like, which made me squeal. So basically, I get whatever room I want. I walked down the stairs to see Ron and Harry awake, two boys standing by their sides. The toad boy and a dark skinned guy. He was actually fairly cute. I smiled at him. "Nat, this is Dean, Dean Thomas. And you've already Met Neville Longbottom." I smiled at them both. "So... What going on?" Harry asked. "I get my own room!" I exclaimed. "No fair!" Ron yelled. "No, it's because I'm not a Gryffindor." "Well then... What are you?" "I'm all four. They call me a matrix." Harry smiled. "Wait... What about your schedule?" Hermione asked. "Oh, since the hat originally placed me in here, ill be attending class with you." Harry smiled. "Good." I walked out of the room and followed Professor Mcgonagall to my room. We reached a deeper part of the castle and stopped at an emerald green door. "Go on. Go inside." I walked in. The room had one large window and a tinted red light above. I had a bubble-chair of sorts and a play place for sherlock. Widow got her own, large cage. The bed was large with a black comforter and multi colored throw pillows. I saw a grey quilt and I smiled. I had always loved the feel of a cold quilt. The bed was pushed into the corner and there was a tall lamp. There were two doors. The first one led to a grand bathroom and the second one led to a walk-in closet. The walls in each room were a burgundy color. My favorite. There was a poster of the wicked sisters and a drawing studio. Out of the corner of the eye I saw a black door. I walked towards it. Once I opened the door, I gasped. A training room. I opened the door fully and walked in, Professor Mcgonagall long forgotten. There were muggle weapons of all kinds and a training area with my own suit and an optical course that changed by the minuet. Once I walked back out, I saw Professor Mcgonagall smiling. "Do you like it?" I smiled. "I love it!" Professor Mcgonagall said her goodbyes and left. I knew that the breakfast hall was just too the left and that all my classes would be easier to get to from there. I finished changing into my pajamas and let sherlock out of his cage. He ran over to his little play area/ house and I let widow go to her large cage. Then, I laid down and let the darkness consume me.

A/N- I know, short. But I though it was a good place to leave off. So peace see ya later. .

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