Chapter four

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I opened the note.


Natasha "Tasha" Romanoff

I need to see you in my office immediately. We have more issues to speak of, including your house and your father. I know, shocking. But you'll be surprised to find out about him. Also, I do like peppermint Snappers.

- Albus Dumbledore

I quickly put my uniform and my robes on. What shoes! They were all black, but one caught my eye. They were black ankle boots, combat style. Flexible enough for running and looked incredible. I slipped them on and ran off to headmaster Dumbledore's office.

When I got there, I saw the large hipogriff and sighed. "What was the password?" I thought. Suddenly I remembered. "I do like Peppermint Snappers..." Dumbledore had out in his letter. "Peppermint Snappers." The hipogriff spiraled upwards and revealed an office. Dumbledore's office. I sighed. It was the first week of school and I had already been to the headmasters office. Twice. As I stepped in, I heard Dumbledore talking to two boys. Fred and George Weasley. Fred noticed me and smiled. I blushed and smiled back. Fred was kind of cute... I snapped out of it as dumbledore noticed me. "Ah. Miss Romanoff. I was informed that you used the black door last night?" "Yes. Uh- I-It's a training studio. Filled with Muggle weapons and targets." Fred and George's eyes widened. "Wish that doors supposed to adjust to what your future holds! Maybe you'll be a sick muggle super-hero!" I blushed at Fred's words. "Maybe..." Dumbledore shooed the twins out of the office. "Now. Miss Romanoff-" suddenly a laid snap sounded from outside the office. "George!" "CAN YOU DANCE LIKE A HIPPOGRIFF MAMAMA MAMAMA MAMAMA-" the music was cut off by another snap. I looked out to see what had happened. A radio of sorts was broken on the floor. My mom had a radio like this, it shrinks and you can enlarge it. Apparently George dropped it and it grew bigger. The music must have cut on. Fred and George blushed and ran off, leaving there radio on the ground. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to Dumbledore. "Natasha... You know how you think you're a half blood?" "Think? I know I'm A half-blood!" "No. You're a pure blood. Your father lied to your mother and ran off, not wanting anything to do with you. His name is Xenophilius Lovegood. He's got a daughter your age called Luna Lovegood who's a Ravenclaw. He didn't want anything to do with you because he was already with Luna's mother." I gasped. "W-Why did you want me to know this?" "Because. Your sister wanted to... Meet you." Suddenly a girl with long blonde hair stepped around the corner. "Hello, Natasha." "Umm... Hello? Wait! I-Is my last name Lovegood now?" I asked Dumbledore. "No. Your birth mother gave you here maiden name and that is on your birth certificate." I nodded. "Oh. Okay. Umm... Your Luna?" I turned my attention back on Luna who was standing off to the said, looking at the ceiling, more than likely day dreaming. Well, at least there's something we have in common. "Hello. Yes, I'm Luna. You must be the famous Natasha." "Yes... Natasha Romanoff. I like your hair, by the way." She smiled and fiddled with her hair. "Really? Most people do not like it, some even have tried to ruins it before. This morning I woke up with a crushed egg in it. But I'm a witch, nothing I cannot handle." I smiled. "Awesome!" We walked off together, heading towards our next class.

"Oh, hey Nat." "Hey Harry!" Harry noticed Luna and smiled at her. "Hello! What's your name?" "Luna Lovegood. I'm Natasha's sister." "Sister? I thought-" "yeah. Long story short, I'm a pure blood, not a half blood like I thought. My mother lied to me about my father. But Luna here says he's changed. She understands if i have doubts." Harry nodded and we all walked in to professor flitwick's class.

I ran back into my room, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I don't know why, but I feel like people will judge me if they saw that I was I all four houses. But it's just the Slytherin's. They hate Gryffindor, and that's where I was originally placed... Anyways. When I walked into my room I dropped all of my books. My room! It changed! Did it do that itself? I observed the room. The walls were now dark grey and the bed sheet was a dark, blood red color. The pillows matched the sheet and the walls. The carpet was really fluffy and was a creme color. I walked through a tall cream door and saw that the bathroom was there. It had changed to have a plum-purple color of walls and the sink and bathtub were more or less the same. I ran out and saw another tall cream door and looked in. It was the closet. On one side was my regular clothes and on the other there were my dress robes. But something caught my eyes. There was a hallways of sorts behind my normal clothes. I grabbed my wand and ventured down the hallway. It got very dark very fast. "Lumos..." I muttered. The hallway was suddenly fiddled with light. The walls were the same grey color and I saw two doors. I walked through one to find an office with a tall window that was giving me a view of the Quidditch field. There were papers on the desk and a drawer filled with quills and parchment. Must be for my homework.. ? And across the hall was a white door. As I walked into the room, I smiled. The training room! In the middle of the floor sat a box. The box my mother had sent me! I had completely forgotten about it! I grabbed it and ran through the hallway, out of the closet, and back to my bed.

I stared at the box. This object, whatever it was, had been in my family for years. What was it? I decided to open it finally. I peeled the tape back and opened the lid. There was tons of styrofoam so I plucked that out and saw a small black box at the bottom. I pulled it out and opened it. A... Locket? It had a silver heart and, engraved in the middle, were two letters. "BW." I opened the locket to find a picture if an arrow going through a heart on one side, and a beautiful spider, sleek and agile, sneaking up on a heart and pouncing on the heart. I smiled and put the necklace on. A letter was in the bottom of the box from my mother.

Dear, Tasha.

This necklace is special. It shows what will happen in your future. It will show elements of you and your true love, a glimpse of what will happen to morrow, and more. For more information, ask headmaster Dumbledore. He knows of the pocket and will help you. Remember that I love you so much!

Love, mom.

I smiled and put the locker on my neck and lying on my bed. I'd have to ask Dumbledore more about it later. I quickly sat up. I still have two days worth home homework left. I stood up and trudged over to my desk. "DADA, Ancient Runes, Oooh, potions." Potions sounded fun, but professor Snape- not so much. He was rude. I sighed and sat on my bench, finishing the rest of my home work.

In her school days; (A Harry Potter/Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now