Part 2

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I woke up from a loud thud from the living room and some laughs after. Someone (probably Two-bit) just fell I thought. I got up and got dressed and did my hair. I don't wear heavy makeup like most of the greaser girls. All I do is do my hair, and when I say I do my hair basically I just brush it and that's it I didn't need to wear grease since my hair has a cowlick in the front. Darry has his in the back, I got mine in the front and it's hell.

When I'm done I just sit by the door and wait for everyone to leave. After I sat there for a long time I realize it's Saturday... great I thought now I have to sit in her till 5am!

It's not all that bad I get to listen to everything down stairs without them seeing or knowing my listening. Yeah that's ease dropping but oh well.
I hear them say all types of stuff. Pony said somethings about school, oh man I'm glad I'm outta that place! I hated school I wasn't any good. I'm dumb, they only thing I was passing was auto mechanics. I was ok in math but got straight D+'s is that a good thing?
I also heard things about people at the DX. Somethings about fights that Dal got in.
Two picking up a broad for the first time in months. Man I thought of several jokes in my head that I with I could say to him. Like "congrats you lost your v card!" And a few more similar.
Then I heard someone mention me... no one has mentioned me in a little over a month!
"Man... how long has it been since we've heard from Jax?" From the one and only Dallas Winston. It was quite for a while... "like we haven't heard anything from her in almost a year! What happened to 'er? She's never been social but she at least left her room!"
I started to panic a little please don't come up here please don't come up here I kept repeating in my head.
"Well I talk to her through the door every so often to see if she's ok but now that you mention it I haven't seen her since whatever happened. Do you guys even know what happened?" Darry asked.
No no no no no no I was panicking alright they were gonna come up here and want to open the door. Well I'll talk to them but they can't get me to open the door.
I didn't know what they said next but before I knew it there was a knock at my door. Why didn't I hear them come up the stairs!? I thought.
"Hey Jax? come on down, we haven't seen ya in almost a year let's go" it was  Dally. Well that's why I didn't hear him come up.
"No I-I'm good thanks" I stuttered.
"What the hell even cause ya to do this? You used to hang out with us now you hide! What's up with that!?" He yelled getting angry.
"Dal it's a long story, and I don't wanna talk about it well I don't like to talk about and don't need to so please just leave me alone, please" I said quietly but loud enough to hear through the door.
"Yes, yes you do need to talk about it Jax, we haven't seen you in a year. I-We don't even remember what color you eyes are" he stated
"I'm Sodas twin what color are his eyes then there you go" I replied sarcastically, I hear him chuckle slightly before tapping twice on the door and walk away down the stairs. I let out a sigh of relief that he was gone and listened to what they will say next.
"Any luck?" I hear someone who I think was Johnny say.
"She with me wise guy?" Dally said sarcastically and I chuckled a bit to myself.
At some point as I was listening I fell asleep leaning against my door.

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