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(Some trigger warnings in this chapter!!)


Right now it's the day before New Year's Eve. There's a party at Bucks tomorrow night that we're going to, I'm bring my blade and brass knuckles (that Dally stole me for Christmas.) Darry said he's going in case something happens and Tasha is staying home with Pony and Johnny. Darry doesn't like or want Pony at Bucks and Johnny doesn't like parties.

Steve, Soda and I have been trying to get the old Ford to work.
Me and Dally every night well, almost every night. Go hang out with the Shepard gang.
And the 4 of us (plus Dally's "girlfriend" for that week) drive out to the lake every few nights. All without Darry knowing.
And tonight is one of those night we go to the lake. Dallys bring that Sylvia girl that he's "broken up" with multiple times. We leave late at night or should I say when Darry goes to bed. We've created secret codes and leave them places we know each other will find them. We all leave different ways at different times. And these codes tell the others there to meet at.

Right now Steve and I are working on the car while so is at work.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"A time" Steve replied.
"Yeah but what time?"
"I told you a time"
"Ok this could go on for to long" I said going inside. "Pony what time is it!" I yelled to Pony getting 2 waters outta the fridge.
"3:45!" He yelled back. And I went back to the car.
"So what time was it?" Steve asked when I tossed him the water.
"You were right, it's a time" I told him. He rolled his eyes and splashed water at me but missing. "Steve it's freezing out! And you're gonna throw water at me!" I laughed running leaving foot prints in the snow.
"What time is it!" He asked again.
"3-3:45!" I finally said and he stopped.
"Shit, go inside Darry comes home today for lunch!" He said.
"Ok, why does he hate me working on cars so much" I said walking inside.
"I don't know J, maybe cause it's 'not ladylike' or some bullshit like that" he chuckled getting out the cake from the fridge. Like on cue Darry walked in and I walked to the bathroom to wash the car grease off my hands. When I looked in the mirror I saw that I had some on my face and neck so I just decided to hop in the shower.


Right now me, Dally, Pony are sitting watching Mickey with Two-bit. While Johnny is asleep and Darry and Soda are at work and Steve has the day off and was with us.
Like I said, we have little secret codes that mean different things. Some are very simple and not like codes, others are hand gestures, like Steve for example, if he tapped his ear three times and that'd mean meet me in the other room. Or if Dally told Darry or some one "I'm staying at the Shepard's tonight" is basically so people won't get worried about him. We'd all have excuses, Sodas was often that he's gonna stay at Steve's and I would join them, but that was only if we came home late.

As we're sitting there I see Dally's leg start to shake before he got up.
"I'm getting out, can't sit here anymore, who's coming?" He said walking towards the door. Steve and I got up and the 3 of us left. Along with Tasha, Who now doesn't need a leash and just follows us.
When we got to the park we sat under the tree and had a smoke. While I always climbed up, and Tasha was barking at me to get down but stopped when I told her to. I climbed to the top like always and remembered the carving. I don't think I've reminded Steve yet.
"Hey Steve can you climb?" I yelled down.
"Course I can!" He yelled jumping up climbing fast but tripping a few times. When he got to where I was he had a small scrape on his shin.
"Why'd you want me up here?" He asked out of breath. I just laughed and pointed to the carving. He smiled at it before laughing looking down. 
"Man, why'd i carve that backwards" he said rubbing the back of his head.
"How old were we when we wrote this?" I asked.
"I think, 1st or 2nd grade" he said. Still laughing. I was about to say something but Dally called us down by saying, "Can you love birds hurry up and get down here, will ya!"
Steve's head shot up and looked at me and my face turned a little pink.
"Race ya" I said to Steve before darting down the tree. Swinging upside down, jumping from one branch to another beating Steve easily. By the time I was down I looked up and Steve hadn't moved much.
"Are you stuck?" I called up.
"No... I'm taking my time!" He said defensively but joking.
"Sure you are tuff guy" I said but I don't think he heard me. "So what'd you want Dal?" I continued.
"Where are we meeting up at to night?" He  said before Steve dropped out the tree to the floor and we laughed.
"Bucks. Soda, the stuck cat and I will meet you there" I told Dally and Steve looked at me with a jokingly angry face.
"When are you guys gonna get together" Dally said in an annoyed town walking passed me so I punched his arm playfully. I looked at Steve who was rubbing the back of his neck looking at me. I looked away after a couple seconds and then followed Dally. I didn't know where we were going, but we never know. Eventually our feet lead us to the DX and Soda was on his lunch break.
"Hey Sodapop" I said lighting a cigarette. Soda gave me a look cause he didn't like me smoking. He looked at me for awhile before I rolled my eyes and put it out and he smiled confidently.
"So what's the plan?" He asked.
"We're gonna meet Dal at bucks" Steve told him and he nodded.
"So we're taking Bucks T-bird?"
"Yup" Dally stated.
I love taking the Thunder bird. I love feeling the wind when we put the top down. I don't care how cold it is.
"My shift is over at 3:30, I think we should be at Bucks by... midnight-ish, sound good?" Soda said taking a sip of Pepsi.
"Cool with me, Steve?" I said.
"I might be there sooner but yeah sounds good" Steve replied.
"Alright well, my breaks over you guys can hang out if you can do what ever, it's been slow so I'm bored" Soda said throwing away his trash.
"Ok, I'm gonna get a Coke" I said before walking inside to get one.
"You owe me for it" Soda told me.
"I'll pay you soon enough" I replied, but Steve flipped a coin to Soda to pay for it.
"Ok I'm gonna head back to the house to get everything ready so I'll see y'all later" I said walking off.
"Hey wait up!" Steve yelled when I got to the road.
"I can walk by myself Stevo" I told him.
"I know, but there's always the chance of some soc's could come and out number you 6 to 1, that wouldn't be good" he stated.
"We you fended off 5 with just a busted bottle pop, that was 5 to 1 with a bottle pop, if it was me, it'd be 5 to 1 with a blade and brass knuckles" I said flicking out me blade.
"Well if you don't want me here I'll just go back up to Soda"
"Nah, you can stay but you'll be bored at the house" I said and he shrugged but kept following me.
"So, what are we gonna do tonight?"
"There should be people letting off fireworks on the lake so it should be fun" I explained and he nodded, "You seem quiet Steve something on your mind?"
"Oh, um... nothing much really, just my old man being an ass as always" he said kicking a rock. I didn't believe him, not one bit. I know when Steve is lying. I don't know what's bothering him but something is and it's not his old man.
When we got to the house I went up stairs to my room after telling Steve I'll see him later. I closed my door and took off my jacket and sweater so I only had in a tank top. I put a vinyl on my record player and threw myself on my bed on my back. Listening to Ghosting by Mother mother. Soon I was getting tired and fell asleep...

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