Chapter 15

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A/N: I'd like to say this was hard to write cause ya girls a lesbian😂 🏳️‍🌈 so it was hard to write a hetero (male and female if you don't know) kissing scene. So if it's cheesy or corny I get it😂

I was taken back by him kissing me. I pulled back and looked at him a little confused. He was about to say something but I just kissed him back. It lasted a few seconds before we both pulled back. We just looked at each other for a little till we heard, "hey guys" from Dally.
"Hey Dal, thought you got put in the box" I said pulling away from Steve. Dally looked at both of us with a sly grin.
"Yeah, they said it was a time of crisis and I had a good reason, or something like that" he said walking past us patting  Steve on the shoulder. "And don't worry" he said turning around "I won't tell anyone" he winked tuning back around heading into the hospital. Steve and I looked at each other before laughing.

We went back up to Sodas room for an hour or so before a nurse came in. And did some kinda test, we were all quite while she did that. It was very awkward but when she left we went back to talking. Soon everyone was falling asleep on the chairs and floor I was still awake. It wasn't long before I was the only one awake. I was tapping a pencil on the floor I stole from a doctor.
I had a bad idea but I decided to go for a walk outside, I coulda gone to the cafeteria but I didn't. I didn't bring my switchblade with me so I stole Two-bits, well I borrowed it.
When I got outside I lit a cigarette, this town was like a ghost town. Where the hospital is it's kinda neutral zone. It's not greaser territory or soc, both of us could go through it and not get jumped. It was kind of an unspoken rule between us. But when you get a certain distance from the building you're fare game for everyone.
It didn't take long for a corvette to come around the corner behind me. I was to far a run from here to my house and no one in the gang would hear me, so I was on my own. I guess I was looking for some action I hadn't been in a fight since Bucks party I think. They were right behind me when in no time. The car sped up and stopped in front of me. 4 soc got out. Correction 5. They stood in a jumbled line crossing their arms. They all looked the same in the dark. One started to walk forward towards me. That's when I realized... it was him... Luke... the reason I went into hiding.
"No way..." Luke said, "I've been looking for you since I heard you were back in town"
"Welp, congrats wise guy you found me! I mean you could be doing so much more than just looking for some girl but hey! It's not my life and time you're wasting" I said, my voice laced with sarcasm.
Luke scoffed giving me the death glare.
"And why have you been looking for me exactly? Again there's more you can do with your time, I didn't do anything to you so why? And if I did that please inform me" I stated. My hands in my pockets grasping the blade.
"Didn't get to finish my dare..." he said walking towards me fast and the others following him. I quietly flicked my switch out and cut his arm right when he reached out to grab me.
"AHH you bitch!" He yelled grabbing the cut. 2 of the others charged forward and pinned me to the wall of the building by my arms. Making me drop my knife. Luke shook his arm before he took out his blade and put a deep long cut on my cheek. I winced in pain bit didn't make a sound. He placed the blade on my forehead he moved it swiftly across leaving a small cut. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before I kicked him in the stomach. And I had no other option then to bite the soc's hand the was on my shoulder causing him to jump back and let go. So with my other arm free I slammed the other ones head against the brick wall. That's all I got to do before the other 2 pinned me again but this time on the floor. Luke chuckled slowly and punched me 3 or 5 times and put a few more cuts on my collarbone before car head lights came around the corner. They all scrambled to their car and I got up. The beat up pick up truck stopped in front of me. It was Tim Shepard with Curly in the back seat.
"Need a lift?" He offered. I chuckled softly before walking around the front of the car hopping in the passenger seat.
"Why is she in the front!?" Curly yelled.
"Cause she's not as dumb as you!!" Tim yelled back. "So what happened to you?"
"Welp, Soda is in the hospital, everyone's asleep so I went for a walk, wasn't the brightest idea" I explained.
"She's stupid! Why doesn't she sit in the back?!" Curly complained.
"Cause she knows and owns up to the fact she's stupid!" Tim replied "no offense"
"None taken, I coulda gone to the cafeteria or something but I didn't"
"Well you might need stitches for that so good luck with that"
"I haven't seen it so I wouldn't know" I said taking down the flip sun blocker thing in the car with a mirror and looked at it. When I looked at it it made it hurt more than it did before.
"You gotta clean rag in here?" I asked.
"Rags yes, clean nope" Tim replied.
It wasn't a long drive to the hospital and when we walked in Steve, Dally and Darry were talking in the lobby. I didn't notice that Curly's arms was all bent in a way is wasn't supposed to.
"Good luck kid" Tim said to me.
"Gonna need it..." I sighed.
The 3 of them looked at me and rushed over and checked out the cuts. Darry didn't look surprised just more disappointed? I could tell but what I could tell was that he was pissed.
"Why?" Darry asked.
"Why wha"
"Don't say that, you know what" he said cutting me off. "Why in gods name did you go out on a damn walk at this hour when you know how dangerous this town is!?"
"I'll get a doctor" Dally said walking away.
"Yeah I'll join you" Steve said following Dally. They just wanted to get away from Darry and I.
"I'm not dead am I?" I said wiping some blood off my cheek with my hand and showed him.
"Yeah you're alive but you won't have a life for the next month cause you're grounded!" He yelled.
I just laughed knowing he's done this before and it didn't affect me at all.
"You and I have that one thing in common, we both don't learn from our mistakes" I said before I doctor took me to get stitches.
The doc asked if I wanted to be awake or not and I just said awake. So I was awake and watched and felt all the stitches getting stitched.
When they were done they started to tell me all the rules and instructions to clean them.
"These aren't my stitches buddy, I know what to do" I said taking the gel out of his hand walking back to Sodas room.
I walked through the door and Two, Dally, Steve and Darry were awake.
"Catch" I said tossing Two-bit his blade.
He nodded in a silent thanks.
Once again everyone was asleep and the sun was rising. And now I was finally falling asleep.

"Holly hell what happened to Jax!?" I heard Soda yell waking me up. Followed by everyone 'shhhhing' him. I looked up at them from the floor yawning and rubbing my eyes.
"Damn it, she just fell asleep" Darry complained, and Soda looked at the clock.
"It's 9am!" He shouted "what happened to you?!"
"It's nothing, just got in a fight with the soc last night" I said casually.
Soda scoffed, "nothing? You have what, 9, 10 11 stitches! For Christ sakes!"
"Soda! It's not a big deal! I will say this is the worst I've had in my face, but not over all! Just, it's not a big deal..." I said trying to calm down, if he was shouting I would too. "I need to clean my cuts right now anyway..." I stated getting up off the floor and to the bathrooms with the gel in my pocket.
"Here I thought we used to tell each other everything, I certainly did...but turns out you've been a complete stranger to me this whole time..." Soda sighed as I was walking out the door.
I stopped for a second before I continued and closed the door behind me. That hurt, more that the cuts, more than the broken bones and the hyperextensions and the sprained ankles and wrists and dislocations... more than when I was used and almost raped twice in a year and a half. Hurt more than anything I've been through, and by the person I never thought would ever come close to hurting me on purpose. He's hurt me in accident more than I could count.
On the way to the bathrooms my eyes were welling with tears so when I got to the bathroom I let it go. I didn't think I could cry more but there are certain things you know.
The tears burned my cuts but still not as bad as what he said.
I was finally done and put the gel on my stitches and made sure you couldn't tell I was crying. Then left the bathroom and back to the room. Everyone was gone and it was just me and Soda. He was on the verge of tears I could tell, his eyes and face were already red like he'd already been crying. That just made me want to cry. And I did, and that made him cry to. He opened his arms and I ran to him into his open arms.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry" he sobbed over and over.
"No" I choked out "you're right... you told me everything! And I told you nothing except things that you obviously knew, I didn't tell you about injuries relationships or when people hurt me! I didn't tell you shit!!" I sobbed. And so did he.

A/N: AAAAAA I'm sorry it took so long!!!
With school work and depression it's hard to find inspiration. But there is some Steve x Jax stuff coming👌👍

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