Part 8

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"When's Christmas?" I asked when he finally let go of me.
"What do you mean the 25th always!" Soda laughed.
"No I mean how many more days till then, in my room I don't exactly know the date of today."
"I know, about a week" he said and I just smiled "why?"
"Cause I'm coming out of my room on Christmas Eve" I explained to my twin who's face lit up when I told him I'm leaving my room.
"We're getting a new family member and getting you back!" He yelled.
"Huh? New family member?" I asked and he stopped.
"Well Darry and I were talking and we decided to get a puppy for the gang" he explained excitedly.
"Where is the gang anyway?" I asked.
"They went to a movie and I snuck back here to talk to ya"
"What day is it?"
"Sunday, why?"
"There only gonna be gone for one movie!" I yelled about to push Soda out of my room.
"Jax... it's Christmas break... they're gonna be gone till 11" he said laughing and so did I "do you ever leave this room?"
"Well yeah exactly... when ever you guys are at school and work... and at like 5:30am" I told him.
"Damn do you ever sleep?"
"No, not really, whenever I can I do" I laughed nervously.
"And when is that?" He asked sounding like a detective, I just shrugged.
"Don't know really, when you guys are home and I'm not listening to you guys talk?" I replied.
"You ease dropped on us!?" He said laughing a little.
"It part of my daily life! I've heard a lot like the other day Two picked up that broad. Pony's test scores. Dally's latest jail time etc."
"Well did you know that Dal got completely wasted today." Soda laughed.
"Yeah you you actually, you told me earlier, just woke me up too"
"Oh sorry I'll let you sleep..." he said about to leave.
"No it's fine, why was he so drunk?"
"None of us know but he doesn't drink this much without a reason"
When he said that my mind went blank. 'He's thinking about what I told him...' I thought
"Jax? Jack? Jackie?" Soda said waving his hand in my face.
"Oh sorry I spaced out... how Steve doin!?" I said changing the subject.
"Oh he's doin good I actually think him and Evie might Break up"
"Oof welp they were good while they lasted." I chuckled "and Two? Just how's everyone!?"
"Well everyone is good, Johnny's story is still the same..." poor Johnny... his case is worse then mine.
"Darry should be home in I thin-" he was cut off by someone coming threw the door opened. And something thrown on the table.
"I'll talk to ya later ok?" He whispered and I just nodded. Right when he left more people came through the door. So I just listened.
"He Guys sorry I was late there was more to do then I thought." Darry explained.
"How come y'all are home early?" Soda asked the gang.
"They were just playing Christmas shit there." Steve said sounding annoyed which made me laugh. Soon I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and come close to my door so I jumped back but trip so it was loud.
"Jack?" It was Pone 'of course their door is right across the hall' I thought.
"Hey Pony, haven't heard you in awhile..." I said coming back to the door.

I was never really close to Ponyboy. So I didn't really know what to say. There was an award silence before he said he was going to bed and I didn't stop him.


I was so excited! I'm gonna have my sister back! The gang will have her back, she'll get to be with the puppy we're getting!! Everything is slowly going back to normal!

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