No Way Out

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It's been an hour since the walkers got in, Ricks trying to find a way to get out. But right now we're sitting ducks waiting to die a slow death, I know Rick will make a plan I just wish it would be fast. "Maggie" I hear Carl say behind me "yeah" I asked "Deanna wants you" he said turning around to walk out the door. I start walking up the stairs and see Jessie and Rick my heart stops and it feels like everything stops. They kissed and I try to choke back my tears but they start to fall I quickly rush where Deanna was. "What's wrong?" She asked looking worried "oh nothing" I said forcing a smile "come on you can tell me, I'm dying I'm not gonna tell anyone!" she said while laughing.


What do we do? I have to think of something! I can't let people die I started to get anxious. I started to walk up the stairs and I saw Jessie staring outside "Hey" I said gently "hey" she said looking scared "I know you're scared... but we're gonna get out of this" I said reassuring her "I know I just don't want to die" she said still looking scared "hey, listen you're not gonna die! I won't let you" I said pulling her in a hug while hugging her I heard footsteps. She lifted her heard and pulled my head to hers and we kissed. For a second I thought it was Maggie but it wasn't Maggie, it felt so wrong like we were forced to kiss. I heard footsteps run into a room. Who was that? I asked myself "thanks Rick" she said out of the blue I stared at her and smiled "I'm gonna check on Judith" I said she nodded I started to walk away from her. For some odd reason I could still feel Maggie's lips on mine.


"So you and Rick kissed" she said "yeah"
I said quietly I didn't know what else to say "so... did you like it?" She said "yeah... I mean it was nice... it felt like it was only us and everything around us didn't matter... but it was wrong" I said feeling slightly embarrassed "listen are you happy with Glenn?" She asked "yes I am" I said hesitantly it took me awhile to answer the question "what about Rick?" She said what about him? Do I love him? Does he make me feel happy? "It's just... it's Rick" I said looking for help from my friend "are you in love with both?" She said did I even love Glenn anymore? He may be dead, what about Rick! Are you in love with him? "I don't know" I said "I got stuff to work out" I started to think about both I know I'm gonna have to choose one of them. "What do you want, for you?" Deanna asked, startling me I didn't know what I wanted maybe I need to talk to Rick or see Glenn again. Why did we have to kiss? Ugh I hate the world right now! "I honestly don't know" I said to her feeling lost. "I think you do" she said I looked at her wondering what she meant, I don't know what I want! "Everyone upstairs!" Rick said I rush out the door and saw the walkers got in "quick move the couch" he said Rick, Carl, Gabriel, and me pulled the couch down the stairs. "That was close" Carl said Rick stared at me and I felt butterflies in my stomach, not now! I said to myself "I got a plan" he said, thank god! "Help me pull some walkers up" he said confused on what he was saying. We got three walkers and pulled them to a room "Gabriel get sheets" he said he pulled out his knife and started gutting them I then saw Sam throw up on the floor and Jessie comfort him. Gabriel came with some sheets "you guys ever done the gut trick?" Rick asked with a grin everyone shook they're head while everyone was putting guts on them self, I caught Rick and pulled him into a room "What are we gonna do about Deanna?" I asked "whatever she wants us to do" he said looking determined I wanted to talk to him about the kiss but right now isn't the right time. Me and Rick walked to Deanna's room "hey" we both said "you guys leaving?" She said trying to remain strong "yeah" I said "don't kill me" she said shocking us both "let me go down taking as much walkers as I can" she said pleading to us "you sure?" Rick asked I stared at her looking deeply worried "I'm sure you guys get out of here and save everyone" she said we both nodded saying our goodbyes while walking out "Maggie wait" she said I turned back and walked up to her "yeah?" I asked wondering what she was gonna say "you know what you want" she said smiling shocking me wondering why she kept saying that to me, I said my finale goodbye.

30 minutes later

All of us had walker guts on us, moving slowly towards the door. Rick looked at me and Carl and shook his head we all started to walk slowly through the herd. We get to the church and we stop "listen we can get cars at the quarry and distract the walkers to try and save everyone" Rick said "everyone nodded "Rick, I can take Judith in the church and protect her... only if you trust me" Gabriel said Rick was hesitant at first but agreed so Gabriel and Judith headed towards the church we hear 6 gunshots and a scream in the distant I started to feel sad but we had to keep moving. It started to get dark and we kept moving but then we stop because someone stopped and that someone was Sam he looked scared and he kept on saying, mom. "Sam, you need to stop the walkers will hear you" Jessie said trying to calm him down "no" he said suddenly a walker grabs his head and starts bitting him. Everyone was shocked and Jessie is screaming "Jessie stop" Carl and Rick kept saying "Jessie!" Rick said walkers then pounced on her and started to devour her "no" I heard Rick say and I turn and I see him crying. "No" he kept saying "dad" Carl said trying to pull his hand away "help" he tried saying quietly. Rick started to pull his hatchet out and started to cut Jessie hand off, finally Carl was free I stood there not knowing what to do all I could do was look at Rick to see if he was gonna do something. Out of nowhere we hear a gun reload "you" Ron kept saying he pointed it at Rick I panicked and pulled out my gun quickly and shot him but he managed to shoot one bullet. Walkers then started to eat him, I turned to look at Rick but I notice Carl oh my god his eye! My heart rate increases significantly he turns his head to Rick "Dad?" He says while falling down I look at Rick and he starts to cry and panic he then picks up Carl and I start to shoot as many walkers as I can.

Authors Note!
Hey, everyone I might stop writing this story it depends on how it goes. But if it goes good the next chapters are 6x09, 6x10 and some of 6x11 but after that it's gonna be a time skip to 6x16. Anyways hope you guys enjoy!

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