Chapter Six 💫

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"Saya!" Naruto shoved me out of the masked kid's line of fire. It may have been adrenaline or bad chakra control, but Naruto shoved me so hard that I flew back. I twisted my body in midair so as I would take the full force of impact, and grunted when I collided with a tree.

I broke a rib, but at least the kitten was okay.

I groaned in pain, and suddenly I was being lifted up. "S-Sasuke?" I asked, and blushed when I found he was carrying me bridal style. "I can walk." I confidently said, but gasped when he pointed to my leg, proving me wrong.

My knee was bent at an odd angle, and I cringed. It didn't even look like my knee. I didn't dare try move it.

"Oh Kami, I can't walk." I murmured, and winced when he set me down.

"Sakura, don't mind Saya. Guard Tazuna." Sasuke said as Sakura made her way towards me, and I narrowed my eyes at Sasuke.

Sasuke rushed at some giant Ice barrier that Naruto was trapped in, and Kakashi was attacking the structure from the outside.

I set the kitten down, summoning a shadow clone to guard it from being stepped on. Then, I dragged myself up to stand, putting all of my weight on my one good leg.

I hopped over to the structure.

"Kakashi sensei! What's the problem?" I jumped next to him, and he just barely acknowledged me. Rude.

"Get in there, help them." He pointed to a small hole to which he couldn't fit through, and I jumped in without a second thought.

I just snuck into the center of the structure and gasped. Sasuke was covered in senbon needles, passed out over a bloodied Naruto. Naruto was barely awake. The masked kid was throwing needles at them in between mirrors.

I assesed the situation, and immediately blocked the senbon going after Sasuke with a kunai.

The kid murmured, "You look familiar."

I glared. "You look like a jerk, but here we are."

I tried to follow his movements, but I just barely managed to block the needles aimed for my neck.

It was a game of cat and mouse. Every time I blocked, I missed a few and they lodged into my skin. He was winning, and if I kept this up, he would kill me.

I had to try something else. I screamed and ran/quickly hopped at a mirror, aiming to break it. He didn't make a move to stop me, so I assumed he didn't expect for me to break it.

I nailed it with my fist, pouring tons of chakra into it. The mirror cracked, but didn't break. The kid's eyes widened.

"I'm going to get rid of you quickly."

Before I could move, he threw about twenty needles right into my knee. I screamed in agony.

Then, something changed. I breathed heavily, and caught a glimpse of myself in one of the mirrors.

My eyes were different. Instead of plain old brown, they were a really deep red. My hair was disheveled. And I looked psycotic.

He threw more needles, this time going for my neck.

Without thinking, I blocked all of the kid's oncoming attacks. In fact, I could even see him go from mirror to mirror.

He looked slow.

I blocked the next barrage of needles and waited for him to transfer mirrors, catching him in the gut when he did. I must have knocked the wind out of him, because when he mouthed some words, I couldn't hear him.

While he was in midair, I did a spinning kick down with my good leg. I could see what I assumed were his weak spots of some sort, and specifically hit those next. My arms felt light, almost as if I was made of air.

I didn't let up, yanking him back when he attempted to escape back into one of the mirrors. I kicked him in the gut, and he spat up blood.

Suddenly, I grew tired, and I blinked quickly. The red in my eyes was gone. I fell over slowly. Contorted with rage, the kid flew at me, a kunai   aimed for my stomach.

I couldn't block him, and watched him silently.

However, he never touched me. Something had knocked him off of his course. Sasuke.

They were both standing up, and I smiled. They almost looked like friends. Except for their facial expressions.

The kid headed for me one last time, but it proved to be a mistake. Sasuke and Naruto caught him in midair. I couldn't see what the

The last thing I saw was Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto covered in some strange orange chakra, and Sasuke's eyes were red. They were both looking at me and..


Author's Note-

OMG!! I'm so happy that this has 100 reads, thank you guys so much for supporting me! I'm going to a camp for the weekend, so I can't work on the story, but I'll try when I get back!

And I'm sorry this chapter was short, but I'm crunched on time.

(Also, Saya doesn't have the Sharingan)

-Imaginary Ambience

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