Chapter Eleven 💫

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"What is happening?" I asked, and Naruto and I stopped. There was a large commotion, and I could spot Sakura's pink hair.

So she decided to come.

"I don't know." Naruto said, and made a step towards the group. I grabbed his arm.

"Hey. You remember the plan right?" I asked, and he looked back at the group, and then to me. I could tell he was relaying it in his mind.

He sighed, nodding his head. "Right, I do."

"Good." I whispered. "Because this is the second floor."

Naruto's eyes widened, and we heard Sasuke's arrogant voice rise among the hushed conversation. Both of our heads turned when everyone else quieted.

"Sakura knew this was the second floor, right, Sakura?"

"Um, yeah! That was a cheap genjutsu!" She said, and I smiled a little bit. Sasuke was building up her confidence as well. How sweet.

The crowd awkwardly shuffled towards the stairs, pretending like they knew all along they fell for a thinly stretched genjutsu. The bowl cut kid and his team stayed behind, along with Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and I.

The kid bent on one knee for Sakura, and I watched the sour expression on the Hyuga teammate's face. They were definitely used to this, which meant that kid probably professed his love to every girl he saw.

When she rejected him, he looked around sadly. His eyes landed on me, and I ran and hid behind Naruto and Sasuke. When I peeked over Naruto's shoulder, I didn't fail to realize that the Hyuga blushed.

The spandex kid walked up to me, but he turned to Sasuke, making me breath a sigh of relief. "You and me, a fight! You obviously have the admiration of my wonderful Sakura, being the strongest of Kakashi's students!"

"Now, hold up a second buddy." I said, but they over talked me. I grumbled and crossed my arms to myself. Naruto patted my back, pittying me.

"Alright, then. I won't go easy on you." Sasuke said as we all made our way into the central lobby.

I turned to Naruto as we were walking, arching an eyebrow. "Why are we watching this again? We should be in the sign up room. Sasuke isn't even on our team."

Naruto just shrugged. "I don't know."

Naruto and I stayed to watch on the overhang, whereas everyone else went to the bottom floor. Lee blew kisses at Sakura, and she dodged them with her life.

Sasuke and Naruto glared at Lee harshly. I rolled my eyes.

I cupped my hands and shouted down to Sasuke. "Come on, this is pointless! You're giving away your fighting style, and the time's almost up!"

"Don't worry." He smirked. "This will only take five minutes."

Sasuke ran at Lee, who took a defensive posture. I recognized it as Might Gai's famous taijutsu position, and almost hit my head on the bar in sudden realization. Of course he was his student, that's why he wore the strange attire! Gai had essentially cloned himself.

Sasuke was horribly screwed, if that kid was an eight as good as his teacher.

Sasuke threw a punch where Lee was, but the kid ran behind him fast as I moved. I was severely impressed. Lee sent him a spinning barrel kick, shouting "Konoha Whirlwind!"

Sasuke ducked the attack to his head, but the kid recovered swiftly. In half a second, he spun and aimed for Sasuke's midsection. Sasuke raised his arms to guard himself.

Lee made a hand sign, making Sasuke lower his guard in surprise. Lee took that chance to land a different kick to his face. Sakura gasped.

Sasuke flew back, and lay crumpled on the ground. I covered my mouth in surprise, watching the Uchiha shakily get up.

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