#8 Ask the Dark Forest

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Name (idea) by Cat_lover321 (Spykitten) written by Comandercat, go check us out.

Spottedleaf: hello everyone and welcome back to- You know what this is.

Live audience member #4: I'm new here, what is this!?

Spottedleaf: *rage* CHECK YOUR RECITE!!!!!! *calm* I mean- *nervous laugh* ha- um... *nervous laugh* um... Ch- Check your recite...

Cinderpelt: *puts tail on Spottedleaf's shoulder* sh- she's just stressed because of the live audience and because Goo-

Goosefeather: *appears* HELLO LADIES!!! *looks to crowd* Holy-

Honeyfern: LIVE TELEVISION GOOSEFEATHER!!!! *repositions her broken leg*

Goosefeather: mouse farts, a live audience! So exciting!

Spottedleaf: *hugs Goosefeather* You're back!

Cinderpelt: *hugs Goosefeather* in one piece!

Audience: Awwwwwwwwwww

Spottedleaf: *clears throat* um... So today we will be-

Cinderpelt: *whispers* this could get gruesome *giggle*

Spottedleaf: asking the dark forest for help!

Audience: *gasp*

audience member #17: but they're murderers!!!???

Spottedleaf: *nod* yep.

Cinderpelt: *looks at Spottedleaf* should I go get the stationary?

Spottedleaf: yes.

Cinderpelt: which set?

Spottedleaf: *whispers* the Several ways to die/kill a cat set.

A/N That was a spoiler to a upcoming book we're writing!!!!

Cinderpelt: *nod* ok! *runs to supplies closet*

Spottedleaf: hey Goosefeather?

Goosefeather: yeah?

Spottedleaf: get me some white paper and a knife.

Goosefeather: you're worrying me... *goes to supplies closet*

Spottedleaf: and get me the container of live mice!

Goosefeather: *sighs happily* so that's what the knife is for.

Cinderpelt: *brings back stationary*

Spottedleaf: *writes letter to Tigerstar* now, give me one mouse and the knife.

Goosefeather: *hands her one mouse and the knife*

Spottedleaf: *raises knife then slices the mouse in half*

Audience: *gasp*

Spottedleaf: *splatters mouse blood all over letter*

Spottedleaf: *splatters mouse blood all over letter*

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