CHAPTER 16 - The Swipe

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I'm lying down on the bed in the medical room.

How did I get here?

I blink groggily, wiping away the crust in the corners of my eyes. I feel my hand touch a plastic tube, coming out of my nose and stretching across my cheeks. What the...?

I don't know how long I've been here, but my stomach feels emptier than I could ever imagine. I'm wearing a white tank top and some comfortable grey fleece trousers. Sitting up, I look around. The room looks the same as always, but... it's different.

More familiar.

How does that make sense? It shouldn't, but the room feels more familiar to me, like I've been here a million times. I look around. The blue curtain beside my bed, same as always... big glass window... the same glass window as always, but... I don't know... different.

Vials of various liquids are arranged in a glass cabinet on the wall. Vibrant pinks and oranges and blues, and a trigger in the back of my mind reminds me that they're good. The liquid is good.

But why? How could I possibly know that?

The doctor walks in the room. He's wearing a surgical mask around his mouth and nose, and holding a syringe. As he walks closer, I remember. His walk. The way he drags his feet, dull and bored, lifeless almost. I remember it, yet with no memory to accompany it, like an itch in the back of my mind.

He puts the syringe next to my arm, and pushes the needle inside my flesh. I flinch slightly, before relaxing as I remember the liquid is good. It's good. I know that.

"All done," he says. "Everything will come back within the next few days, and you'll understand."

"W-What?" I stammer, eyes wide and scared.

"We've removed the Swipe. Everything will make sense. You'll see."

A hundred questions buzz around my mind. The Swipe? What does he mean? And how did he... remove it? Why did he remove it?

The doctor reaches for another syringe on the table beside me, tapping it slightly. "And now to sedate you..."

"Sedate me? No, you need to answer a few questions first!" I snap. He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, sliding the needle into my skin once more. Within seconds my head falls back into my pillow, and my eyes close as he walks away.


My mind falls into darkness. I don't know how long it's been. An hour? A day? All I know is that, my body feels... drained. Not tired, drained. 

And my head... my head pounds. It pounds like there's a drum inside. 

The back of my neck blazes in hot pain. My feet tingle with pins and needles and I know I can open my eyes; I just don't.


I feel warm hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake softly. I weakly open my eyes, and see someone's blurry face next to mine. My vision clears, and my breath hitches in my throat. I can't believe it –
It's Thomas.

"(y/n)... what did they do to you?" he whispers, looking at the tube on my face. I blink back at him in confusion.

"Thomas?" I murmur, my voice slurred. I hear people's voices, coming from behind the curtain blocking the rest of the room. A woman's voice, shrill and panicky, and some deeper boys' voices. "What's going on?" I ask, propping myself up with my elbows and clumsily fumbling with the tube on my face, tugging it away as my arms shake.

"We gotta go," he replies, helping me up gently. "Right now, come on."

"Guys!" I hear someone shout. Frypan. "They're coming! We gotta go!"

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