CHAPTER 59 - No False Promises

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"Alright, kiddos!" Vince exclaims. He grins. "We're here." 

Quiet, tense chatter breaks out amongst the group, Fry cracking his knuckles again and Brenda biting her lip agitatedly. Although we're happy to be here, where we are, it almost feels too good to be true. Like a dream, a dream that you know isn't real, and you're going to wake up just before it gets really, really good. That kind of dream.

I grab Brenda's hand. The Berg hatch opens, and I see a large crowd of people waiting for us, gathering by the entrance, ready to welcome us back. I see some friendly faces in the crowd of people that I grew closer with when we were here for months, smiling up at me as I remain in the Berg. I see some older faces too, like Aris, and his friends Sonya and Harriet, who originally welcomed us to the Right Arm. It'll be nice to catch up with them.

Fry, Gally, Minho and Jorge exit the Berg, hugging people as they reach the bottom of the hatch. Brenda tugs my hand, easing me forward. I hesitate. Both Thomas and Newt are asleep in stretchers, Newt given more sedative just before leaving - just in case. Thomas remains in a coma; his face is serene, despite the scratches and scarring on his face, and despite the emotional trauma he'll have to endure when he awakes. 

I frown, thinking back to my first ever memories when I arrived in the Glade. Although it seems like a lifetime ago, I can vividly remember every minute detail of arriving in the strange, alien place. I remember how frustrating it was to want to wake up, and no matter how many times I forced my eyes to open, they were glued shut. Then I remember the conversations I heard. The acts of kindness granted to me while I was in a comatic state, when I could have so easily been taken advantage of. I remember of Newt flipped my pillow to the refreshing cold side; how Thomas offered me small words of empathy. The comfort and warmth it brought me when I was most afraid. 

"You go on," I softly say to Brenda, smiling for reassurance. "I'm gonna stay here for a little while."

"Okay," she replies, looking to Thomas asleep. "I'll be waiting for you at the bottom."

She hugs me quickly, then exits the Berg. Vince follows shortly after, and I am left alone. I crouch down beside Thomas, moving a strand of brown hair covering his eye. 

"I bet that feels better," I say quietly, lightly stroking his hair. "Less scratchy." I sigh deeply. "You'll be okay. You will. Even if it doesn't seem like it, everything will be just fine, Thomas." I bite my lip. "I hope you can hear me. I think you can; I heard you, when I was in a coma, back in the Glade. What a place that was. But even after everything that's happened, I'm glad we left. And look where it's brought us, we can actually be happy now, I hope..." my voice trails off as I look over to Newt. I can see the hint of blueish-grey veins sneaking out from his shirt and onto his neck. 

"I'm worried sick, Thomas," I admit. "But I've got you. My personal slinthead." I giggle to myself. "God, where would I be, if I didn't have you? Either chewed up by a Griever or bullied by Glade Gally. Probably both."

The loud wail of a ship horn cuts me off. I feel my palms getting sweaty. "We should probably go now, I think. I'll get some of the guys up here to carry you away. I hope you wake up soon. I miss you, a lot. Please come back to me."

I give him a quick peck on the forehead and move over to Newt, placing a timidly gentle kiss on his slightly parted lips. I stand up to leave, walking down the sloped Berg hatch. Brenda greets me at the bottom, linking her arm with mine as we walk towards the warehouses I've grown so familiar with. It feels weird being back after being stuck in the city for so long. 

"It's like a breath of fresh air, right?" Brenda asks, smiling widely as the sunlight hits her tanned face. 

"Oh, definitely," I reply, leaning my head on her shoulder. "I'm glad to be out of that city. Still, wherever we're going after this, I'll kinda miss it here."

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