Chapter 1 Meeting Blair

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Narrator POV

We come across a beautiful night near the woods, when we notice a boy at the age of 7 named Karma Atuski.

'so cold, why am I always left alone' Karma thought as he cuddled his tail for warmth in an old abandoned alleyway near the main road. As our friend was about to fall asleep he heard fighting nearby so he went to check it out and he found a boy fighting a keshin(A:N yes he knows what a keshin is and did I spell it right). When he was watching the boy fight he noticed a star emblem on his left shoulder. He quickly hid and having a panic attack "why, why, why did it have to be him. why him" karma said to himself.

Karma POV

After I called down I drifted off to sleep only to be haunted by nightmares. He was suddenly was awoken by someone shaking him 'probably to ask me to move. ugh, can't I sleep in peace for one night'. So he looked at who woke him and noticed a 20 something-year-old women by the look of it. "what can I do for you mam" I asked sleepily. The women asked, "Why are you out here all alone, with no shelter. and where are your parents?" So I replied, "I have no home and my parents were killed when I was 5."

Women's POV

When the kid told me this I asked: "what's your name kid?" and he replied "Karma At-t-tAtuski m-ma-mam". Well nice to meet you Karma I'm Blair." I replied. I was contemplating whether or not to bring him with me or not to 'One hand, I could give him a home, love, and family. But on the other hand, he could just be tricking me for my money.' I thought to myself. "Hey, Karma would you like to live with me? I'll be your onee-chan, ok?" I told him. "Really?" he asked tiredly. I just chuckled "Yes Otōto," I said as levitated him up in the so he could follow me. To say he was scared was the least of it, he was excited and giggled. I just smiled and thought I will give this child love and raise him. I will also teach him magic so he can defend himself'.

3rd POV

Unknown to them they were being watched by a mysterious figure "Thank you, Blair. Thank you" the figure said

(At Blair's House)

Blair's POV

"Let's get you washed up ok,"

(Time skip After bath)

3rd POV

After the bath, she put him to bed. "Training will start tomorrow"

(A:N. Hey guys Foxdemon65 here but I'll go by Fox for now. I know this is my first fanfic so I know there will be errors. But I hope that doesn't stop you from reading this story. also the Title is being worked on)

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