Chapter 2- Witches Son

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(6-year time skip)

Narrator POV

It has been six years since Blair took in Karma. And let's just say the training was hell. He has improved majorly. He has gained two new friends which included Crimson, Masamune, and Snowflake (animal companion). He has learned many things thanks to Blair. He has been asking to go to the DWMA many times until Blair finally said yes. So he will be going next week

In Death City

3rd Pov

"Meister Maka, reporting in Sir," Maka said. "Good, good, good. You have done a magnificent job collecting all 99 keshin souls. Now you just have to go get a witch soul and Soul will become a deadly weapon." "Is there any nearby?" Maka asked. "Well, yes, there is one near the woods. But there something else you should know, she has a son as well around the same age as you, Soul. Well, he's not exactly her son, more like an adopted son." Death said. "What do you mean adopted, sir?" Soul asked. "Well, he's not a witch either, he's part kitsune per say and he does know some magic. He's had a rough past. Also, his family was killed by the Star Clan. That's all I can answer for you at the moment." Death answered 'Will they accept him when he joins the school or will they hate him and despise him.'  Death thought as Soul and Maka ran off to kill the witch, the two asking some questions themselves. 'Why won't Lord Death tell us any more information' Maka thought as she was running

Blair POV

'When I look at Karma. I can see how much he has grown. Acquiring two weapons already one a scythe that can turn into other weapons and the other an ancient sword (NOT EXCALIBUR I REPEAT NOT HIM NO!!!). He has been training for a while just a little more till he perfects shinigami hunter. I was so happy for him when he perfected witch, genie, and keshin hunter 2 years ago. I was surprised when he learned this. I'm so happy for him so is Masamune he has become a father-like figure to him. Im so happy, but sad that he'll be leaving me soon. Wait I can live with him in his dorm when he goes to the DWMA' I thought. I was about to call Karma to dinner when I heard a loud explosion and sensed two more souls then they were last time. I ran to see what was going on and saw to others. I just stood there and watched him as he fought. "Witch hunter" Karma yelled at the two mysterious attackers. I ran up to Masamune and asked: "Masu, what's going on here?"

He said nonchalantly, "Seems like we're being attacked, looks like they were after a witch, and it seems like it led them here." "But it looks like Karma is doing fine all by himself after all we both taught him everything we know," Masu said while chuckling. I just smiled and said "Karma that's enough I can take it from here. Alright?" "Ok," Karma said. "Alright you two let's get this party started," Blair said sadistically towards Soul and Maka. Karma and Masu Just shivered when she talked.

(time skip fight)

Cliffy I know I'm evil

Till next time my kits

Fox out

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