Chapter 5 - The Welcoming Party

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Narrator POV

The rest of the school day went on as it usually did and Karma got the second-star meister rank. The teams were the way Tsubaki hoped it to be and now we find ourselves at Karma's dorm where the party for him has just ended. Although unknown to their knowledge the gang is about to invite them to a welcoming party for Karma and Crimson.

Karma POV

As the party finished we cleaned up and were just relaxing and I heard a knock on the door and I got up and answered the door and it was Soul and so I said: "What can I do for you Soul ?" "Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to a welcoming party tonight for you and Crimson, at mine and, Maka's place," he said nervously. I thought I saw a blush on Soul's face, but I just brushed it off and said "Sure, why not. Let me just go get Crimson." he just nodded. When I found Crimson he was passed out, so I got a bucket of water and threw it on him. He woke up with a jolt and grabbed me by my collar and yelled, "Why did you do that Karma?" "The kids we talked to that found us singing wants to welcome us by throwing a party. Alright. Go tell Blair and Masu. Ok?" I said he sighed and let me go and said: "Alright, fine." "Ok, meet you at the door," I said. Once Crimson met me at the door we headed over to Maka's & Soul's place.

Soul's POV

When the two guests of honor got there was lots of commotion which was mostly black star saying how much of a star he was and how he was going to surpass God, then Crimson got up and started to argue how he was going to first, while that was going on I just stared at Karma's cute face for a bit. Wait cute did I just say cute. When I looked up and found myself blushing again and I quickly looked away. Well, the evening we talked about who we would like to be on our teams and then Karma told us something "Guys I know what teams we will be on. And also I have some great news about what rank I got." he said as we all got close. "Well, tell us. A star like me has to know" Black star yelled. Karma just ignored him and said "Anyways, as I was saying our teams are going to be us plus one other kid named Death the Kid. Who he is I have no idea" "What about your rank" I interrupted "Well, I just found out that I'm a 2-star meister now."

"...WHHHHHAAAAATTTT!!! How is this possible," we yelled as the other two covered their ears. And he replied "Well... I don't feel like sharing that right now." After he said that we just pouted. And so for the rest of the night, we just talked on and on about our past until it got to Karma and Crimson's turn. They just got quiet and looked at each other worriedly. Then Maka said, "Oh, sorry. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Then they both said in sync "No, we have should because you told us yours. It's only fair,". So he told us his backstory.

Karma's Flashback (Please don't hate me if this flashback is terrible)

Karma Pov

It was like any other day for me. It was a bright summer day, I was with my family in my family's backyard playing with my little sister. After a couple hours, mother told me to go down to the village to grab some supplies for tonight's party. We were celebrating a special event celebrated by the Atuski family for generations. Well before I get to the event, I must say this first say this we were blessed by the god's many generations ago a Kitsune to be exact. It was my turn for the ritual to happen. The ritual was for me to be blessed. This blessing was like no other, I was going to be blessed with all of the past blessings received. Once the ritual was happening there was a scream so my uncle went to check it out. He never came back. So the family guards fortified around me my sister was also being protected by mother and father while the rest went to fight off the intruders. Once the ritual was done the ritualists were on the ground bleeding and the leader was holding my sister with his sword at her throat and then he killed her. My parents rushed at him with anger and tears in their eyes. I watched as he killed the last of my family. and the last words from my mother, father, and sister were 'We love you. Please live for us.' I just stood at the man with anger in my eyes as they turned black with red pupils. I rushed at his comrades killing them with ease. Then I approached their leader. I'll never forget what he told me when I asked him who he was and why he did what he did. 'I'm the almighty White Star, and I've been here to assassinate your clan by the order of the leader of your village. It's your time to die' And I yelled, 'Not while I have something to live for.' 'What do you have to live for?" he asked cockily. 'My self ' I said as I punched him with enormous strength. He flew back.

(time skip fight)

Once he was dead I walked up to his keshin soul  I put in a jar as a trophy. and I didn't sleep that night I just cried as I berried the bodies of my dead family. I sang a sweet lullaby as I laid my sister to her final rest. After that, I just stayed there protecting the compound at all costs. 

Flashback End

"And that's my story," I told them with a tear in my eye, which I quickly wiped away.

Black Star POV

"Hey Karma, who's White Star?" I asked with confusion. "You won't like the answer," he told me firmly with a hint of sadness. "He's your father." 

I was shocked. "KARMA WHY DID YOU KILL MY FAMILY" I yelled with anger as I punched him. Once I realized what I did I said worriedly, "K-Karma are you ok?"

"Will you just shut up," he said coldly as he looked up at me with his amber eyes. I just stood there frozen, unable to move. "I killed them because they killed my little sister and my whole damn family that I grew up loving and the night that was the best night of my life. And your family ruined that night when they killed my family," he said as he broke down with tears streaming their face. Crimson just ran to his side and apologized and said "We should take our leave. Im so sorry about tonight" he said as he respectfully bowed.

(10 minutes time skip)

Narrator POV

After scolding Black Star, Maka said, "I thought Lord Death Killed your clan." "Ya, me too," said Black Star. "I should also apologize to Karma, " he said. "Let's go ask him tomorrow," Maka said. "Right," they said.

And done. Im planning for Crimson's flashback tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed this story so far. Plz vote and comment on what you think I should do next.

Demon Fox Out

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