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A shadow moving slowly through the rain, lightning lit up the figure to show it's form. The figure is a man, his clothes ragged, with messy black hair covering his eyes. The man struggled, with many wide-open wounds on his body. Every now and then he looked at the way that he went through, and it seems he does not wander randomly. The trail was cold, dark, and everyone just ran quickly toward their home, because it is raining, and occasionally brushed the mud in their feet to him. However, it did not make him even stopped, or swearing.

Then he reach the place that was on his mind, his destination. The building is very big, with a gate that seemed to welcome all the people who entered. The wall is clean, as if a sacred protection that protects the building from rain that made all wet. With all its glory, he just looked up, and eventually stumbling into the building.
"Indeed, the Temple has changed a lot since its demise, it seems 586 BC, and is now March 25, 515 BC, but unfortunately 600 years this building will be flat again, it seems, if I'm not mistaken" grumbled a beautiful young woman, with blond and odd outfit for someone who lived in 500 BC, she was standing in the courtyard of the building.
The man still did not pay attention to anything, including elders who dwelt in the temple for the last moment of their lives, and hope for happiness to the end, which seems'd been there from the last time in their lives, They are scared when they saw the man who doesn't looks like human again. The man also did not like to hear all the scream, even before a woman's voice, which sounded so loud it was not noticed. It appears that he has blank in his eyes, and just looked forward, like he was thinking about something very important in his head. Then he sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall of the temple, and began to pray.
"I, the creation of a humiliated, O Adonai, indeed how long it will take my punishment from me. The God of All Things Will Supreme Court, please take the breath you gave me, because the life and immortality is a curse for me, what I wanted was not there anymore for me, take my breath ".
His voice was very loud, and it appears that he may hopefully he quickly encountered YHWH, then heard his prayer, stood a high priest, who seemed to have left the temple, because of heavy rain. Actually, he was about to expel him when first saw it go into the temple, because he thought him as a Samaritan, but when he heard the melancholy prayer then arises compassion in the hearts of this fat men.
The high priest came with his compassion, and said to him, "Surely , what makes you beg so serious to YHWH, my son?".
The smooth voice interrupted his reverie, his eyes began to see, and he considers the high priest's face.
"Indeed, Rabbi, multiply the contents of the mind in the head, and the pain in my body, so I hate for my life, which I'm sure will mortality alone and foreign myself"
"It is in this world are two types of sinful people, they are excluded by the emptiness of his own natural beliefs, nor they also selected for sequestered YHWH" replied the high priest.
"And according to you which one I am? Is YHWH chose the person to go into exile? "
"I am the people He created, my mind would not be able to think about it, because only little part of his body that was given to me, but I know, Adonai would not choose innocent people to be sacrificed, because the Supreme Great is He"
Quite unexpectedly, eye gaze and his voice changed, feels wiser and more prudent, "Verily I say unto you, Henor bin Ishat, that of the many people of Jerusalem, I haven't seen faith like you, but destiny can't be changed, that after all century, one of your descendants will shed the blood of his own YHWH "
However, when the high priest was confused how he could find out what his name was, and what the man meant, the man had disappeared from his view. The sage called the old to get together and talk about what he has seen and heard, and YHWH is glorified among them.
At the same time the woman that standing in the temple, who had been just grunted, smiling. "Finally I found you, the Eternal". The beautiful woman stepped and disappeared in the rain just like the man.  

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