Chapter 1

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  "A great progress in the science world, Prof. Petruccio de Santis of Italy, after received the Nobel for his research on the existence and the distinction between soul, spirit, and body, last year, he recently managed to find a particle that is touted as life-giving particle ".
A boy sit and watching the news on TV, with enthusiasm, to ignore his mother who kept calling his name for dinner.
His mother, who was in the kitchen located in the basement kept shouting "Ian, the dinner is ready, mom have made your favorite corn soup, dear".
"Soul particle, the name of this particle, believed to create what is called the soul, which is only found in living things, in the inanimate objects. This is very surprising, because it was believed, this could be used to give or create life ".
"Christoporus Sebastian Pradana, do not make this the thousandth time to call you" said her mother, who call Ian louder, because Ian, his son ignored her.
As the shout become louder, Ian quickly turn off the TV, and go into the kitchen, which is located not far from the dining table.
"I;m sorry, mom, but I watch a really exciting news, about the creator of life," Ian said with eager faces, when tell it to his mother.
"Come on, kid, many ridiculous inventions that ended up not working, you know, that the only creator is Lord?".
"Yes, mom, I believe, just curious."
"Come on, hurry to the dining table, or your corn soup get cold".
Ian, walked to the dining table, take a plate, fill it with corn soup, and preparing meals.
"This afternoon, Mom got a call from your headmaster, Mr. Heru, he said you will be asked to join a junior high school science competition in Jakarta, next month".
"Yes, mom, at school, I was called into the principal's office, ... did Mr. Heru said anything else? About going to Jakarta? Semarang to Jakarta is so far away ".
"I don't know, anyway ... Mr. Heru just told mom to tell that you must study harder, in order to be the 1st, it last year you almost got the 1st champion, right?".
"In Jogja that the rival are from all of the great students in Indonesia, even I was wondering how come I can be the second champion ".
"But mom was happy when you get the second champion anyway, thanks, it means God gave you victory"
Suddenly the phone rang.
"Look, mom will pick up the phone, finish your dinner, if you want more corn soup, take it in the kitchen, mom made a lot of it"
"Good evening, Mrs. Candra Wijaya here, is there something that I can help?" Said Mrs. Chandra, as she picked up the phone.
On the line there was a man's voice "Oh, I am sorry, I guess this is a Pelangi restaurant, the phone number are 0242549797? So it's your phone number? "After that, the man hung up.
Mrs. Candra hung up and went back to the dining table.
"Huh, the wrong number, that was a lot of people who thought our phone numbers, as Pelangi restaurant, what is the Pelangi restaurant number?
"It's number are 0242547979, mom .." Ian exclaimed in a voice like he was eating a lot of food
"Huft, it's looks alike our number .., uh, did you finish your dinner, yet?".
"Oh, this has just finish it, mom your hand-made corn soup is the most delicious, mom please turn on the TV, I want to know about the last news"
Mrs. Chandra turn a small TV at the dinner table on, and replace it with the desired channel that Ian wanted, but there is a bad news.
"Prof Petruccio family, especially his wife, Marianne de Santis looks unable to stem the tears after seeing the corpse of inventor of the soul particle, that was found dead, 4 April 2007, at 12:30 Italian time, or at 18:30 PM, at his home" said the news anchor with a face that showed condolences for the death of Prof Petruccio.
Ian was surprised, just a moments ago, he see the news about Prof Petruccio, but now he's dead.
"Mama, look, this professor I had seen on the news, he is the inventor of the particle that can create the life".
"Well, just a moments ago, you see the news, and now he's dead? He said he created life, but why his soul is lost? ".  

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