Chapter 2

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  "Police are still investigating this case, because no weapon was found which makes 4 stab wounds in the chest of Prof Petruccio. His wife, who claimed that moment was shopping at the Parco Leonardo, 3 Km from the victim's home, think that her husband did not have any enemies, or rival "
Ian saw the news of the death of Prof Petruccio carefully, and immediately noticed something strange, when viewing an autopsy on the body of Prof Petruccio, although the news is always sensor the corpse, for some reason, there are a few seconds where the victim's chest, which is where there are multiple stab wounds experienced dead pixels, a common error in the final stages of the sensor and show something, of course Ian intelligence can catch it.
"There is something strange with the wound in the Professor's chest, mom, are you realize it?"
"How can you see it? the face to the foot of Professor was censored? "
Ian himself did not know, why he has that sharp eyes and was lucky to see the dead pixel error, but he's thinking about something, why are the police, until his wife who saw the corpse of Petruccio prof did not know about what he saw? He watch the news again.
"Detective Robert Brown, a famous detective from England who was on vacation in Italy happens to have researched on this case, he said that this has something to do with the work on the soul particle, it is identified by Detective Robert, from the victim's work room, where he researched soul particle, which is messy and broken stuff, or according to his wife's stuff is not in place, such as forcibly searched. He said, before the murderer of Petruccio there was a fight between the killer and the victim in this room, because the victim wanted to maintain the security of soul particle, then the killer pushed the victim out and stabbed the victim's chest, right in front of the entrance to the office of victims, then the killer search the room for soul particle, because according to the victim's wife, a prototype of particle soul is not in the storage ".
"However, true or not the analysis was investigated cop Detective Robert, as real as any picture given detectives, there are still many doubts, as well as the weapon used to stab and kill the victim was also not found at the scene, but .."
Mrs. Candra suddenly turn of the TV, and Ian seems very upset. "Mom, why you shut off the TV? The host had just said however, I'm curious mom ".
"Later you will have nightmares if you saw the murderer news, it's dangerous, and .. dad .. he .. also ... ".
Mrs. Candra cry, Ian spontaneous headed straight toward her and tried to calm her down. "Sorry, mom, I'm still sad to know what happened to dad 2 years ago, I did the same, mom, still sad, I'm sorry mom, I will go to bed, please do not cry anymore".
Ian went straight to the top floor, and when he look back to her mother, she already looked calm, and turned on the TV to watch her favorite infotainment.
While Ian turn off the lights that illuminate the bed room, he carefully considering what the irregularities seen in the 4 punctures in the chest of Professor, Ian wondered if Detective Robert, who he knew as a famous detective who has just solved a difficult case that was delayed for several months by the FBI , about the murder of three senate members in the UK, can't capture the awkwardness that Ian seen with his eyes?
"Though Detective Robert was there, and see the corpse of Professor Petruccio, right? It's weird if he was not aware of? If .. the wounds form the sign of the symbol that is used by anti-God, and is often referred to as a symbol of the devil, a symmetrical inverted cross? ".
But he did not want to see her mother cried again, he forget that, close his eyes, and slept in his bed.  

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