Episode 12

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What a weird morning this was.

It started with the pleasant yet odd smell of roasted salmon and miso soup.
Atsushi jumped out of his futon in panic when he saw Kyouka bowing and greeting him "good morning".

Then came a knock at the door.

"Atsushi-san, can I come in?"
It was Junko's voice. What time was it? Did he miss her morning routine? He nodded out of instinct, but then realised she couldn't see him, so he raised his voice, "y-yes! Come in!"

Kyouka turned to look at Junko as she entered the room.
She INSTANTLY didn't like her.

It was like that nervous feeling one might get when it's super dark, but you need to turn on the light, but then it turns out to be way brighter than you expected and your eyes hurt and you kind of resent the light for existing. Or like when you're super hungry, so you eat the first thing you find in the fridge, but then as soon as you put it in your mouth you realise that this is not what you want to be eating and you feel bad for even touching it. That annoying tingling in your brain you get when something is just slightly off, and you can't do anything about it.

And then there was that SMELL.

"Why do you let this junkie into your room?" Kyouka looked at Atsushi and Junko felt like a 5 ton boulder just fell on her.
That was such a mean thing to say.
"I... I'm sorry... Atsushi-san didn't come over, I just wanted to make sure he's alright..." she stuttered, still trying to recover from the insult.

"Wait, hold on a minute, why is Kyouka-chan here?!" Atsushi panicked and asked that way louder than he intended to.

[after Kenji disappeared, Kirokugakari decreed that nobody will go alone and the agents will travel in groups of at least three

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[after Kenji disappeared, Kirokugakari decreed that nobody will go alone and the agents will travel in groups of at least three. Atsushi, Junnichiro and Naomi went out and had a fight with Lucy.
Meanwhile at the office,]

"This is stupid and boring. I don't wanna do this." Osamu groaned. He then turned in his chair to face Junko. "Write my report for me, honey, would you?"
"Sure." Junko smiled, "I'll finish up senpai's report from yesterday, and I'll be right on that."

"Or, here's a crazy scheme," Doppo stopped typing for a second, "you could actually do your own paperwork for once in your life."

"Nah, paperwork is a chore. Junko will take care of it. Right, sweetheart?"
"No need for ingratiation, I already said I would do it." Junko tilted her head slightly, Osamu made a heart with his fingers and blew her a kiss.

"Furuta," Doppo tried to catch Junko's eyes, "you should stop doing everybody's paperwork. It's bad form. Everybody should do their own work. Everybody should pull their own weight."
"Oh, I strongly disagree." Junko gave Dopppo that straight face that meant she was entirely certain of what she was saying. "I like working, and don't mind doing paperwork. I do it well and keep things efficient and organised. Meanwhile, Osamu-san is taking too long at both summarising and filing his reports, and hates doing paperwork in the first place. Having him do his own work is beneficial to nobody, where as I am genuinely enjoying doing this work. So although it may seem like 'bad form' to you, the way I see it, in the grand scheme of things this is actually a lot better than having everyone do their own work."

"There you have it," Osamu grinned as he folded his arms, "the oracle has spoken. Let her do my work."

"I can't accept that." Doppo scowled.
Junko stopped typing and looked at Doppo for a moment, gazed up at the ceiling and then straightened her back and turned back to her laptop.

"Kunikida-san, do you honestly believe that if Ranpo-senpai or Osamu-san actually took the time to file reports they would actually learn to do it correctly?"
"Maybe not right away but – "
"And do you honestly believe they can do it better than I can?"
"Obviously not, but still – "
"And is there something else I should be doing now, seeing as there are no cases I should currently be working on?"
"Well, no..."
"Then what other proof do you need to convince you that this is the best way to go about this?"
"Well.... I..." Doppo just looked at her, he had nothing more to say. Everything she said made perfect, iron clad sense.

"Give it up Kunikida-kun, you can't out-logic Junko." Osamu cheered gleefully.
"And there's also no need for you to try, since the fact that I'm doing their reports for them is also beneficial to you as well." Junko added.

That ticked Doppo off a bit.

"Ok, I grant you everything you've said so far, but how is this beneficial to me?"
Junko closed her laptop and looked straight at Doppo. There were those confident eyes again.
"Suppose I stopped doing Osamu-san's paperwork. Who do you think he would go to, to vent out his frustration?" she said.
"Even if he goes to me, I think I can deal with his antics well enough. He already makes my life a misery and I'm handling it quite alright."
"Are you sure about that?" she gestured towards Osamu, "You two are a team after all."
"I'm afraid you lost me, where are you going with this?" Doppo was confused.
"His shortcomings don't affect just him, Kunikida-san." she shrugged. "In the eyes of God, you two might as well be a single entity. When your work suffers, she doesn't care who's fault it is. So far I have been keeping you from having to take care of Osamu-san's administrative messes, so on the surface your team appears to be functional. But if I stopped covering for him, God won't turn a blind eye. And I believe I don't need to tell you who has more to lose in the event that she decides to take action."

Doppo's jaw dropped.

"She's got you there," Osamu laughed, "It doesn't matter to the little monster if it's my fault, should our team be lacking in any aspect, we both go down."

"So just to get this straight... You're blackmailing me." Doppo summarised.
"Perish the thought!" Junko cried out. "I'm just telling you the facts. And the fact is, it is better for everyone if you let me do Osamu-san's paperwork."

"Furuta." Doppo said after a few moments of silent thinking.
"Yes, Kunikida-san?"
"Please continue to do Dazai's work for me, it would be greatly appreciated."
"It's my pleasure."

"Junko," Osamu spread his arms theatrically, "you truly are a beam of light in this otherwise pitch-darkness."
"T-there's hardly any need for that, Osamu-san, I already said, I am happy to do it." she smiled.
Osamu jumped at her and wrapped his arms round her waist, rested his chin on her head and made a pleased purring sound. "You're the best~"
She flinched, but didn't push him away.

"Why do I even bother?" Doppo just sighed helplessly.

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