Episodes 23-24

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"Did you just hang up on Akutagawa-san?" Junko asked as she landed the helicopter

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"Did you just hang up on Akutagawa-san?" Junko asked as she landed the helicopter.
Junnichiro fell out of it and puked the exact moment they touched the ground. He never realised before how afraid of heights he was.
"Of course I have. I don't have the time to talk to him." Osamu answered simply.
"But you have time to talk to me?" Junko didn't get out of the helicopter.
"I ALWAYS have time for you, precious."
"Oh, that's sweet of you!"
"You're on the ground, aren't you? Come back to the agency."
"No, I'll stay here for a bit. In case you need an emergency evacuator, or something. Besides, if I stay here I can keep talking to you, which is nice."
"You're adorable, you know that?"
"You're not too bad yourself."
"Well, I was going to contact Kyouka-chan now – "
"Is it ok if I listen?"
"You can do that?"
"I can do everything. This helicopter has lots of bells and whistles. It's amazing here. I can even jack your signal if I want."
"You got all that from the manual?"
"It was very comprehensive."
"I love you so much, but learning how to pilot a helicopter in six hours, I have to admit, you're a nerd."
"I'll take that as a compliment."

[Osamu calls Kyouka and tries to talk her into action but fails.]

"If you'd like, Kyouka-chan, I can arrange for you to be an assassin... but – " Osamu started, but was cut off by a beep.

"Osamu-san, I'm taking over." Junko said through the comm, followed by another beep.

"Did you actually jack my signal?" Osamu was shocked.
No response came.
He couldn't reach neither Kyouka nor Junko.
"You never cease to amaze me, my little hummingbird." he mused.
Whatever Junko had to tell Kyouka, he was not invited to listen.


"Kyouka-chan, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, but I had to say something. Can you hear me clearly?" Junko spoke softly and calmly.
"Furuta? What are you doing here?" Kyouka was kind of surprised to hear Junko's voice.
"I just want to talk, is that ok?"
"I don't want to talk."
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to talk anyway. I want to tell you about Osamu-san."


What were those two talking about for so long?
Osamu couldn't help but wonder.
He didn't expect Kyouka to say no, that could be a problem, should things go south.
But he also didn't expect Junko to take over, maybe she can turn this around.
But now that he had no connection to Atsushi, and Junko took over his line with Kyouka, he had nothing to do. Which was pretty boring, and also stressful.
Osamu wasn't really used to stress. Not often did something unexpected happen. Usually he had a backup plan for everything. He should have predicted Kyouka's refusal beforehand, and thought of a plan beforehand.
No, he could trust Junko. Just like he trusted Atsushi to handle Ryuunosuke. Both Atsushi and Junko were strong willed and independent, they always surprised him. They always exceed his expectations. He can take it easy, he can trust them. They'll figure it out.

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