Episode 21

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[Osamu reveals to Doppo that he was in the Port Mafia]

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[Osamu reveals to Doppo that he was in the Port Mafia]

"Did Furuta know about this?!""Well obviously, she's my little guardian angel, she knows everything there is to know about me

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"Did Furuta know about this?!"
"Well obviously, she's my little guardian angel, she knows everything there is to know about me."
"Why didn't she tell me, then?!"
"Well, why didn't anyone else?"
"Anyone else?! Who else knows?!"
"Pretty much everyone."


[Chuuya joins Osamu and they go to rescue Yumeno]

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[Chuuya joins Osamu and they go to rescue Yumeno]

"I met your girlfriend." Chuuya said with a half smile. "Didn't seem like your type. Too fragile for you. Too weak. Much more my type."
"Oh, did you take a fancy to my little princess? I should let you know, that ship has sailed long ago. She's head over heels for me." Osamu smirked.
"She said she liked my hat."
"Not your shoes though, I assume?"
Chuuya attempted to punch Osamu for that remark, but Osamu had no problem dodging that attack.
"Poor Chuuya, we've already talked about this. Your attacks are depressingly predictable to me."
"Why you...." Chuuya took a deep breath and tried to hold back from starting a fight with Osamu. He changed the subject back to something he had a chance to push his buttons with. "But your pet PSTD junkie is cute."
"And smart, and kind, and wonderful. And she worships the very dirt on which I may tread. So, you know, don't bark up that tree."
"Now I really want to go after her, just to piss you off."
"Don't you think she had enough of the Port Mafia two years ago?"
"Like you had enough?" Chuuya cocked his head backwards with a scowl.
"Oh, what, did you miss me?" Osamu sing-songed .
"As if." Chuuya huffed angrily. "But speaking of your girlfriend, did you manage to figure out how she has two abilities?"
"Had I known, do you honestly believe I'd actually tell you?"
"Well, I guess I'll just have to take her in and question her myself once this is done."

He shouldn't have said that.

"Chuuya~" Osamu turned around to look at Chuuya with dead eyes, "if you touch Junko, you will die a thousand slow and agonising deaths."
"Are you threatening me...?"
"I'm warning you. I mean it quite literally. Never touch Junko. Not ever."

Chuuya felt uncomfortable for a second. Osamu's gaze felt wicked, sinister. This was not an empty threat. Chuuya knew his former partner well enough to know, that was not a face Osamu made without a reason.

He knew something.
Something dangerous.
Something Chuuya should absolutely steer clear of.
It was intriguing, but at the same time, it sent chills down Chuuya's spine, chills that warned him of his impending doom, should he pursue this subject any further.

"Speaking of princesses," suddenly Osamu's face reverted back to a cheerful expression, "here's our sleeping beauty!" he clapped his hands together as they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, to where Yumeno Kyūsaku was held.

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