Episodes 19-20

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[episode 19: Osamu goes to talk to Ango and they get hit by a car]

"Sorry what?" Doppo blinked in disbelief at the conversation he was having.
Someone from the hospital just called him, and informed him that Osamu was in a car crash.
"It's nothing serious," the nurse explained, "his condition is stable, we are patching him up right now – "
"Why are you telling me this though?"
"Well, you're his emergency contact, so..."
"Please remove my number, I do not wish to be his emergency contact." Doppo said before hanging up on the nurse.

"Tanizaki, call Furuta." he ordered, Junnichiro complied, and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" came Junko's voice through the phone.
"Furuta. How is holding the fort going for you?" Doppo asked.
"Nothing new since we last talked. God talked to Osamu-san a while ago, Atsushi-san already arrived at the office, and we are all on our way there too."
"Did you take your medicine yet?"
"'Course I have."
"Are you lying to my face right now?"
"Kunikida-san, we aren't face to face, we are on the phone."
"That wasn't a no."
"I doubt you would call at such a time just to teach me the value of truthfulness."
Doppo sighed as Junnichiro giggled at that.
"Anyway, I just got a call from the hospital."
"The hospital?"
"Dazai is there."
"That's awful!!! Is he ok?!"
"Not a clue. Go get him if you want. Tanizaki and I are on our way to the office though."
"I'll go get him, then. Goodbye, Kunikida-san."
"Sure, bye."
And click. She hung up.

Junnichiro looked at Doppo for a few more seconds.
Doppo cracked under the pressure of his gaze.
"WHAT?!" he barked.
"Nothing, nothing, it's just that... it's weird that Dazai put you as his emergency contact and not God or Furuta-san."
"He probably did it just to annoy me."
"Yeah, probably."

•••••episode 20•••••

"Osamu-san!!!" Junko ran towards Osamu, he was sitting on a bed and still being treated by a nurse, who quite aggressively put bandages over his new cast.
"Ah! My little hummingbird, you came to save me from this torment!" Osamu tried to pull away from the nurse but to very little avail. "A male nurse! Can you believe my luck?! In this hospital full of beautiful maidens in nurses outfits, and I'm being taken care of by a man!" he cried dramatically.
Junko was a little short of breath from running, but couldn't hold back a small smile. "How is he doing, sir?" she asked the nurse.
"He's on some pain killers, we put him in a cast, other than a broken arm he's good." The nurse then took a look at Osamu, who was still ogling over the female nurses that passed by in the hallway. "Well, maybe slight concussion. Are you his family?" He looked at Junko.
"She's my precious, she's my wife. Can't you tell by the invisible ring?" Osamu tried to make a coherent cheeky reference and pulled Junko closer to stand by his side. Junko eeped and then covered her mouth with her hands.
"Definitely concussion, then." The nurse glared.

A few minutes later, the nurse finished treating Osamu, and took Junko aside for a quick talk.
"Don't think that just because I'm hurt I'm not gonna go after you if you make a move on my girlfriend!" Osamu shot at the nurse.
"Wasn't I your wife just a minute ago?" Junko pointed out, but then continued walking away with the nurse without waiting for a response.
Before Osamu had the chance to laugh at that and add a snarky comment, his phone rang.
"God! What's up?" he cheered.
"Dazai, when are you getting to the office?" Kirokugakari sounded uncharacteristically not-angry. She sounded... concerned.
"Is everything ok?"
"No. Am I on speaker? Can Furuta hear me?"
"She's speaking to the undertaker right now, they're deciding on which colour to go with for my coffin."
"Listen, Dazai, we have a problem. Did your government buddy survive the crash?"
"Of curse, why?"
"The tiger baby found Kyouka, but... he was taken by the Guild. And she was taken by the military police."
"And you want me to pull some strings?"
"If you can. We have to save them somehow. I won't allow anyone to take away our agents like that."
"That's very touching, God, if you keep this up I might be convinced that you actually have a soul."
"It's not funny Dazai. Oh, and one more thing. Furuta doesn't know they were taken yet."
"I'll see to it."
"No, Dazai, don't – " he hung up on her before she could finish, because Junko just came back for him.
"Ok, you're discharged. We'll have Yosano-sensei remove the cast in a week, also you got prescriptions for some more pain killers for the next couple of days."
"Ooh, pain killers! Anything fun?"
"Not really, but if you need something to take the edge off they say we can come back and ask for something stronger." Junko showed Osamu the few prescriptions she got for him, he took them and shoved them in his pocket haphazardly. "Eh, I'll deal with all that some other time."
"But aren't you in pain?" she tilted her head, the concern in her eyes was evident.
"Your beautiful face is the only pain killer I need, my love." Osamu mused and gave her a sickeningly charming smile.
"That, and the 15 mg of morphine you're on, I assume."
"How'd you know it was 15 mg?"
"I know a lot of things about pain killers."
"Huh. Is that all you did at the asylum? Just studied prescription drugs all day?"
"It wasn't an asylum..." Junko puffed her cheeks, like she does when she's offended or angry.
This made Osamu laugh, which hurt his side a bit and he winced at the sharp pain in his ribs.
"Be careful, you'll hurt yourself!" Junko warned, again wearing her expression of genuine concern.

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