He Doesn't Treat You Right Sasha, You Need to Leave Him

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Sheamus was in the performance centre Waiting for Sasha to Arrive so they could workout together. Sasha walked in and greeted Sheamus.

Sasha-Hey Sheamus

Sheamus- Hey, you ok 

Sasha- Yeah fine why do you ask?

Sheamus- Because it looks like you been crying 

Sasha- I don't wanna talk about it, Ok

Sheamus- Ok Fine.

After Sasha and Sheamus had finished there workout, Sheamus sat down and spoke to Sasha.

Sheamus- Look I know you said you didn't want to talk about why you are upset but I do and I know why you are upset, it's because of him isn't it?

Sasha- Look Stop acting like you know what going on in my love life you don't.

Sheamus- I know Dean beats you up, do you really think I don't notice the bruises on your arms. 

Sasha- He just a little heavy handed thats all 

Sheamus- No he beats you, don't lie to me Sasha, I can read you like a book and I know the reason your like this today is because he hurt you again last night, didn't he?

Sasha- Yes he did 

Sheamus- Is it just your arm that are bruised 

Sasha- No 

Sheamus- Show me the other injuries 

Sasha- Ok but Not here 

Sasha took Sheamus in to one of the changing room, Sheamus turned round as Sasha began to undress herself leaving her in her bra and panties.

Sasha- Ok...You Can...look now 

Sheamus turned around and was shocked at the sight in front of him, He could believe Dean beat Sasha like this. Sasha held her tears back as she watched Sheamus scan and study every bruise caused by Dean 

 Sasha held her tears back as she watched Sheamus scan and study every bruise caused by Dean 

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Sheamus- We need to go to the police about Dean 

Sasha- NO we can't he didn't mean to hurt me 

Sheamus- Sasha that complete bullshit and you know it. He doesn't Treat you right Sasha, You need to leave him. 

Sasha- But I love him 

Sheamus- Do you think he loves you when he beating you up 

Sasha- No 

Sheamus- Please leave him 

Sasha- Ok I do it tonight 

Sheamus- Do you want me to come with you 

Sasha- No i'll be fine. That for being a good Friend she said before kissing his cheek 

That Night Sasha waited for Dean to return home from his night out with Seth and Roman. She was sat watching tv when she heard Dean Stumbling in to their flat.

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