Return of The Abuser

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Sheamus was woken up by his Phone vibrating on the side of his bedside cabinet, he slowly unwrapped himself from Sasha and sat up before looking at the text on his phone. 

'Meet Me Outside Now' 


Sheamus looked over to the purple hair angel who was fast asleep in his bed before throwing his shirt on and going out to meet Cesaro. However when Sheamus went outside his house Cesaro was no where in sight. 


Sheamus's phone beeped,  he unlocked his phone and read the message which said:


Sheamus walked round to the back of his house, however it wasn't Cesaro waiting for him it was Sasha's Abusive Ex Dean Ambrose.

Sheamus- What The Hell are you doing here?

Dean- I've come to get what mine.

Sheamus- Well Sasha doesn't want you anywhere near her 

Dean- Well I'll Let her tell me that 

Sheamus- Well I get her to call you tomorrow 

Dean- No, I want to see her now 

Sheamus- Well one she sleeping and two your not stepping foot in my house 

Dean- I'm not stepping foot in your house 

Sheamus- No

Dean- Well funny thing is I already have. 

Sheamus- When?

Dean- Earlier, you know when you and Sasha were upstair shagging each others brains out. I was sat in the lounge hearing every grunt, groan and moan the pair of you were making. But I thought I wouldn't ruin it. 

Sheamus- Why?

Dean- Because it was going to be your last 

Dean started to beat down Sheamus as he tried to fight back but it was no use Dean had the upper hand of this fight. After a few minute of Dean ruthless beatdown on Sheamus he processed indoor to find Sasha. Meanwhile Sheamus laid unconscious on the patio. 

Dean Walked upstair and into the Bedroom Sasha was sleeping in, he walked round to the side Sheamus was in and undressed himself so he was fully naked before getting into bed with his ex. As he laid down Dean wrapped his arm around a sleepy Sasha as she push her body close up to his body. Dean began to place kisses on Sasha shoulder trailing to her collarbone and neck as she slowly began to stir from her slumber before He lined himself up against Sasha entrance and thrusted into her, at that moment Sasha began to open her eye and was shocked when she saw Dean her Abusive Ex on top of her.  She let out a scream as Dean put his other hand over Sasha's mouth as he fully pushed himself inside of her. 

Sasha froze as she felt the intensity of the pain. Dean didn't care how she felt, turning rough or squeezing too hard whenever he wanted, only focused on his own pleasure. He either didn't hear her cries or just didn't care.

Sasha-Please stop. Please, just get off me! she begged through her tears. Dean didn't listen he just kept going. 

Dean-Where Sheamus now huh? He Can't save poor bossy banks 

She spit in his face.

He stopped staring down at her with more rage than she'd ever seen on another person.

Sasha-No. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please!

He ignored her delivering hit after hit to her face.

Dean- YOU PUSH ME TO THIS he growled with his hand around her throat again. 

Before putting a cloth filled with chloroform over her face, He watched as Sasha grabbed his arms and struggled to fight the chloroform cloth but it was no use after a few more second Sasha was out cold.

Dean pulled out of her and got off the bed and got redressed before turning his attention back to Sasha. Dean wrapped her Naked body up in a blanket before carrying her bridal style out of Sheamus's house and putting her in the back of his van before driving away. 

OMG What Will Happen Next??? Will Sheamus Be Ok???? What Does Dean have Planned for Sasha??? Will Sheamus Find Sasha before it to late ???? Until Next Time xxxx

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