I Need to Find Her

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Sheamus woke up to bright lights being shown in his eyes from the hospital ceiling lights, hearing beeping noises coming from the machines he was connected too. He looked down to see Cesaro asleep with his head rested on his bed.

Sheamus- Cesaro Buddy wake up 

Cesaro- Um sorry, Do you need anything 

Sheamus- No I'm Good How Sasha is she ok?

Cesaro- Um Sheamus 

Sheamus- What?

Cesaro- Sasha Wasn't at your house when the police arrived 

Sheamus- Well then Where is she?

Cesaro- We don't know the police think she has been abducted by the intruder 

Sheamus- Well I'm Not Sitting here I need to find her he said trying to get out of bed 

Cesaro- Hey you need to rest 

Sheamus- No I need to get her far away from her ex as possible 

Cesaro- What. Dean attacked you 

Sheamus- Yes and If he done this damage to me theres no telling what he'll do to Sasha 

Elsewhere Sasha had woken up to a splitting spinning, near vomit inducing headache. She tried to move her limbs only to have them protest agonizingly.

What Happened She thought. She opened her eyes, but it was as if she never had. She couldn't see anything, and all around her there was nothing but suffocating pitch.

Sasha tested her limbs again, to no avail. It was then she realized why they had hurt so badly before to move; her wrist seems to be awkwardly tied behind her back. While legs were free, they seemed to be bent upward against her chest, and then held in place by...

I'm moving! Why? Why am I in a Van She thought as she tried to stay calm and not panic.

Lying on her side, her shoulder was almost completely numb. Worse, her mouth had been stuffed with some kind of bitter tasting cloth. Sasha worked her stiff jaw, managing to spit the nasty gag from her mouth. She screamed as the first threads of absolute terror took hold. Still screaming, she beat the side of van with her feet. The steady rollicking beneath her of a moving van never stopped. Sasha beat and screamed until she felt woozy again. Pausing to catch her breath she tried to clear the fog from her mind and remember how she had gotten to this state.

What time is? She wondered

The last thing she remembered was being sleeping with Sheamus after he came in the room and snuggled next to her and began to kiss her. It was then she realised it wasn't Sheamus in bed with her it was her Abusive Ex Dean. She began to remember him choking her before putting a cloth over her face.

The Fear began to set in as she knew that it was probably Dean that had put her in this van. What was he going to do to her she wondered, Sasha renewed her screaming and kicking in the Van. If she couldn't get free, maybe the noise would draw someone attention. After beating herself against the Vans interior for what seemed like hours, she was soon hot, nauseous, and hoarse.

Sasha-Water... she said gasping for air

Sasha slipped in and out of consciousness, fighting her thirst and terror. Tires squealed beneath her and the sounds changed. The smooth rollicking was replaced by rough bouncing and Sasha could hear pebbles beating against the undercarriage. The car began to slow as well.

Sasha tried to think through her haze, if the car stopped she needed to try and be ready. Her legs were free, she had to try escape. The car came to a stop, Sasha listened to her Ex for what seemed like an agonizingly long time to exit the Van. She listened for every creak, and for the door to slam.

She wiggle her limbs as best she could trying to restore some feeling in them. Heavy foot falls grinding gravel as they drew closer to where she lay. They abruptly stopped, as did Sasha's breath.

Kick and run...... Just Kick and run she thought

The Side door popped was like a gunshot spurring her on. She didn't even stop to think, just kicked out with both legs, and prayed they connected. She dimly registered the twilight, and cold evening air, but no matter she'd worry about elements later this was about self-preservation first. There was a grunt, and Sasha felt her ankles roughly yanked, jerking her bottom first from the Van.

Her forehead wacked into the Van door with the force of being pull forward and out. Sasha cried out in pain and tried to remain conscious even as she was unceremoniously dumped on the gravel. Sasha didn't even try to see her ex; the strength of that pull was enough to let her know that anything that followed would not be pleasant. Sasha rolled quickly to her stomach and tried to scramble away, even though her tied wrists and with a pounding head it made it impossible to escape .

Sasha was jerked upright by the waist band of her panties, Dean then slung Sasha over his shoulder like she was no more than a damp rag, and strolled off in to the woods.

When Sasha came too a few hours later she found herself tied to a chair in this dark damp room. She could see Dean Watching her every move.

Sasha- Please Let me Go 

Dean- No, You See You need to learn a lesson. You need To learn to be respectful of me and not to disobey me.

Sasha- But I haven't


Sasha- Dean We not together anymore 

Dean- Say you but you are still mine and seen as you made me angry and upset your gonna have to pay the consequences.

Sasha- Please I'm Sorry 

Dean Untied Sasha from the chair and pulled her to him.Dean then punched and kicked her down to the ground until she stop fighting and was completely motionless, Sasha heard Dean undoing his belt unbuckle and his pant unzip, As She tried to move to her face was shoved down on to the cold floor

Dean- You need to learn to Obey me 

As she tired to move again Dean Pinned her to the floor he quickly ripped her underwear away from her legs before straddling her waist. Suddenly without warning he thrusted himself inside her holding her down as she let out another scream.



After a Few minutes of Dean violating Sasha he removed himself from her, Sasha laid there completely shocked and frozen with fear as she glanced up at Dean.

Dean- I hope you've learned your lesson 

Dean then processed up the stairs and locked the door to the basement leaving Sasha laid curled up in a ball Crying her eyes out at the abuse she has just suffered at the hands of Dean.

OMG What Will Happen Next??? Will Sasha suffer more abuse at the hands of Dean???? Will Sheamus Save Sasha Before it too late ???? Until Next Time xxx

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