If I Can't Have Her I'm Sure As Hell Not Going To Let You Have Her

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Sasha Woke up and found that she was gagged and tied to a chair, she tried to move the chair but stop when she saw a figure come out of the shadows and stand before her. That person was Dean Ambrose, he walked up to her and said

Dean- If i remove the tape from your mouth you promise not to scream?

Sasha Nodded before Dean removed the tape from her mouth

Sasha- Please Dean why are you doing this?

Dean- I'm doing this because i love you he said bending down to her, and your meant to be with me not Sheamus

Sasha- Please if you let me go now, I won't tell anyone what you did

Dean- See I would But that would spoil my plan

Sasha- Please Dean

Dean-I told you No, Plus it will ruin my plan to have For Sheamus 

Sasha- What are you going to do to Him

Dean- I'm not telling you, Now smile for Sheamus he said before turn face time on and calling Sheamus  

Sheamus- Sasha 


Dean- Quite, Hello Sheamus 

Sheamus- Let her go 

Dean- No She Mine I will never let her go 

Sheamus- Sasha don't worry I'm gonna come and save you 

Dean- Well you better hurry before I hurt her 

Sheamus- Don't you dare touch her 

Dean- Don't you tell me what to do, In fact because of that outburst  I will have to hurt Sasha now 

Sheamus- DEAN DON'T

Dean untied Sasha from the chair. He pick her up and looked at her in the eye and squeezed her face before Saying

Dean- I'm Sorry but this is all because of Sheamus 

Dean shoved her to the floor before standing over her. As Sasha tried to get up he started kicking and stamping on her body, she cried out in pain and begged him to stop. 

Dean pick the laptop up and placed it on the floor so Sheamus could watch everything Dean was doing to Sasha.

Sheamus- DEAN STOP

Dean- You caused this Pain to Sasha 

He grabbed Sasha off the floor by her hair before dragging her on to her knees. Dean quickly undid his trousers as he exposed his manhood to her.

Sasha- Please 

Dean- Do it Now 

Sasha- Please Dean

Sheamus- DEAN STOP


He grabbed her hair again before forcible thrusting himself in to her mouth, She started to gag and tried to pull away but Dean pushed himself more in to her mouth. He Saw Sasha struggling and pull himself out of her mouth and threw her to the floor before doing his trousers up before grabbing the laptop and saying to Sheamus:

Dean- If you don't want Sasha to suffer more pain, be a real man and show you face. You know where to find me.

Few Hours Later

Sheamus Arrived at Dean and Sasha's house he ran to the front door, banging on the door shouting for Sasha. He turn to the window and read the note left by Dean. It read "Come To The OutHouse."

Sheamus walked round the back of the house and found the outhouse Dean demanded he came to. He walked into see Sasha who was curled up in a ball.

Sheamus- Sasha it me

Sasha- Sheamus she said before falling into his arms crying, Sheamus wrapped himself around Sasha Broken body

Sheamus- Shh,

Suddenly the lights went on in the outhouse, Sheamus who was still cradling a terrified Sasha in his arms turned around to see Dean stood at the door.

Dean- Nice of you to finally join us Sheamus 

Sheamus- Just let us leave 

Dean- No and Sasha going nowhere because If I Can't Have Her I'm Sure As Hell Not Going To Let You Have Her.


Dean- I will Once i'm finished with the both of you 

He ran at Sheamus speared him and threw him to the floor knocking him unconscious. Sasha ran to Sheamus trying to wake him up when suddenly grabbed a fistful of Sasha's hair before pushing her up against the wall before slamming Sasha head first into the wall, and on impact, she let a small whimper escape her lips. His fist connected with her face. 

As He went to grab her hair again he was thrown in to the wall by Sheamus. He started to beat down Dean as he tried to fight back however it didn't last long as Dean had the upper hand of this fight. After a few minute of Dean ruthless beatdown, Sheamus laid motionless on the floor. 

Dean turned around to see Sasha was no longer laying where Dean had left her, as Dean walked round trying to find her in the outhouse. Suddenly Sasha came running out of a corner Dean was quick on her tail running after her. 

Sasha kept running when she suddenly tripped, she saw Dean closing in on her and quickly grabbed the pitchfork that was near her and raised it up as Dean went running right into it.

Sasha Laid there as she watched the colour drain from his face as he slowly fought his few last breaths. After Dean had met his final demise, Sasha walked back to find Sheamus, He pulled Sasha into a hug as she cried into Sheamus arms. As they were hugging the police rushed into find Dean.

Sasha looked up into his eyes as he met her gaze, he caressed her face wiping away her tears before lifting her chin up and kissing her slowly. After a few minutes Sasha broke the kiss and gave Sheamus a half smile.

Sasha- It's Finally over 

Sheamus- It is and No one will hurt you ever again.

Sasha- Promise 

Sheamus- Promise 

5 Years Later 

After the end of her Abusive Ex Dean Ambrose, Sasha and Sheamus relationship has gone from strength to strength, The pair are now happily married and due to celebrate their 3 year anniversary before welcome their daughter Olivia Mercedes Farrelly. 

The End 

Well that's the end hope you guys enjoyed this book and do you think I should a Bayley and Sasha story next ?? and if so what would you like it to be about????  Let me Know. xxx

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