Please Don't Go Back to Him

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One Week Later

Dean and Sasha haven't spoken about what happen between them and the violent beating Sasha received from Dean. Sheamus has been trying to contact Sasha since the night she came to his house after receiving a brutal beating from dean and they ended up in bed together, but Sasha has avoided Sheamus at all cost.

Monday Night Raw

Sasha was getting ready for her match against Sonya Deville tonight when her best friend Bayley came in to the locker room.

Bayley-Hey Sasha


Bayley-How's things

Sasha-Ok I guess, You?

Bayley- Good but that didn't sound very convincing. What's up?

Sasha- Just Stuff

Bayley- Is it Dean?

Sasha stop pulling up her kick pads when Bayley mentioned Dean. Sasha sat down on the bench as her friend came and joined her.

Bayley- You know you can tell me anything Sasha. Is it Dean?

Sasha- Yes and No

Bayley- Ok so tell me what's been going on

Sasha- He beat me up again the other night 

Bayley- Your kidding me. Please tell me you left him this time?

Sasha- No but. Sasha stopped what she was about to say

Bayley- But What. What were you going to say?

Sasha- It doesn't matter She said getting up from the bench

Bayley- Yes it does tell me.

Sasha- Ok but it cant leave this room. Deal?

Bayley- Ok what is it?

Sasha-When he attacked me I left and went to see someone 

Bayley- Who?

Sasha- Sheamus, I went to his house and I ended up- 

Bayley- Ended up doing what?

Sasha- I slept with him

Bayley- You What? Sasha

Sasha- I know but you can't tell anyone please

Bayley- Ok I won't, Have you spoken to Sheamus?

Sasha- Not since that night

Bayley- You need too 

Sasha- But I can't 

Bayley- Why? 

Sasha-Because he told me he loves me 

Bayley- But you need to talk to him promise me you will

Sasha- Ok I Will

One hour later

After winning her match against Sonya Deville, Sasha was chilling in the car park unware that she was about to run in to the one person she had been trying to avoid.

Sheamus- Hey Sasha

Sasha- Sheamus, I'm Sorry for avoiding you since you know that night 

Sheamus- Yeah it fine, Look I know it not my place but I don't want you do go back to Dean I meant what I said that night, I love you Sasha 

Sasha- Sheamus, what happen between us that night was a mistake it should of never happened. I love Dean 

Sheamus- But he abuses you Sasha that not love 

Sasha- Look just let me live my life 

Sheamus- Ok fine but just one more thing

Sasha- What?

Sheamus- If there is nothing between us and that night meant nothing to you then look me in the eye and say it

Sasha- Sheamus

Sheamus- Say it

Sasha- There is no... Sasha stop and looked at Sheamus

Sheamus- See you can't say it because you know deep down you love me just like I love you 

Sasha- Sheamus I Don't

Sheamus- But deep down you do 

Sheamus started edging closer toward Sasha closing the space between them. He held her hand as he gazed into her beautiful brown eyes as she met his gaze, Sasha swiftly wrapped her arm around his neck as she kissed him. Sheamus kissed back and placed his hands on her waist as he slowly backed her up against the truck. The kiss became quite heated very quickly before anything else happened between the two they pulled away from each other. They both looked at each other.

Sheamus- Please Don't go back to him

Sasha-I have too 

Sheamus- No you don't come and live with me and be with me

Sasha- But I can't because of Dean, if he knew about us the consequences for both of us would be deadly 

Sheamus- I wouldn't ever let him hurt you Sasha you know that right

Sasha looked down at the ground as she started to think back to the night she tried to leave him but she was attacked by Dean 

Sheamus- What is it?

Sasha- I Just can't stop thinking about that night he hurt me 

Sheamus- Which is why you need to leave him, he should never of laid a finger on you. Your Relationship should be filled with Love, Care and Passion Not Pain, Hurt and abuse. I can give you a relationship filled with Love, Care and Passion, please be with me 

Sasha- Ok But....

Sheamus- But what?

Sasha- I'm Scared he will hurt me again like last time 

Sheamus- Right well he won't because I will be with you and your not staying with him tonight you can stay with me tonight instead

Sasha- No Sheamus you don't ....

Sheamus- Yes I do, your not staying with that violent lunatic of a thug

Sheamus rubbed his hand up and down Sasha arms before pulling her into a hug and kissing her unbeknown to them someone was watching them.

What Will Happen Next???? Who Was Watching them??? Will Sasha end up being abused by Dean again or Will Sheamus Save her??? Until Next Time xxx

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