Chapter 5 - The Dinner

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend @SusanaCunhete and to everyone who has been supporting me. This means a lot, Thank you ❤

"It's about the sisterhood, there's no competing in that." -Ariana Grande

I parked my car in front of Eve's house and unlocked my phone to call her.

"Oh, so you finally remembered I exist." She picked up at the third ring.

"You're easy to forget" I joked. I could imagine her rolling her eyes.

"By the way, I'm in front of your house." I said and hung up. I got out of my car and immediately hugged my sweatshirt closer, heavy rain was falling and wetting my dark, long hair. Walking faster, I reached the house's door and rang the doorbell.

"Kylie Lewis." The door swung open revealing a familiar face.

"Lorenzo Hernandez." I greeted and hugged the curly haired boy.

Lorenzo Hernandez, AKA Enzo, AKA my brother's best friend, AKA the tallest boy you could ever meet, AKA Evelyn's younger brother.
Oh I almost forgot, AKA my favorite curly haired boy. You know those types of guys that are blessed with incredibly amazing, soft, envied curly locks? Yeah, that's him.

"Long time, no see,"

"I've been quite busy." I said.

"Eating and sleeping?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Also that. Besides, you don't come to visit me, it's been a long time." I crossed my arms.

"I was just about to go to your house, your brother called." He said.

"See you!"I shouted and headed towards Eve's room. Not bothering to knock I opened the door and burst in. The room was spacious and neatly organized, there was one door leading to her closet and another leading to a small bathroom. Eve has always been one for organisation. Heck, she would even organise my room when things were out of place and I was too lazy to do something about it.

"What took you so long?" Eve muttered.

"Oh shut up, after I called you I didn't even take 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes.

"So... what happened yesterday?" She asked, concerned.

Oh many things happened. Me eavesdropping my parents talking about divorce, Evans stepping on my foot, getting stuck with him...
Oh and let's not forget the family argument about the problems of Lewis Dinner that have arisen.

Oh, these lovely, adorable, amazing life of mine.

I told my best friend everything including myself meeting Chase Evans. I guess we can all imagine her reaction. "Your parents might get divorced?" she asked her mouth agape, I nodded.

"Are you sure? Divorce?" She repeated, I nodded again.

"Divorce, as in separation?" Her eyes were wide.

"Yes, divorce as in a legal dissolution of marriage by court or other competent body-"

"I got it!" She snapped.

"Wait, you met newbie... Chase Evans?" She asked.

"Unfortunately." I replied.

"And he was a complete jerk to you?"

"Well, let's say I met him and he is not on my list of favorite people." I muttered.

"From what I heard, I thought that he was perfection in human form." She sighed. I scrunched up my face. I didn't exactly see his face because of the mask he was wearing. Besides, what's a pretty face with a crappy personality?

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