Chapter 8 - The College

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"True friends can see behind each other's masks" - Inayah Mussa

We entered the small café called Bobby's and walked straight to the cashier to order our burgers. How the hell are we not obese yet?  Only God knows. After taking our order we sat next to the large windows, like always. The thought of Eve and Noah going away still swirls through my head. I feel happy for my friends, of course I do but it's just depressing knowing that unfortunately we won't be doing college together, maybe because I'm  really used to always being with them. The reason why I'm not going to the same college with them is fortunately not that depressing, Keith and I have been accepted to the so called Oxford University and we are expected to go next year. Sadly, I will miss one year of studying but the good news is that Keith and I will be doing college together. Besides, in my opinion it's worth it. I mean, who's that crazy to miss an opportunity like this? Studying at freaking Oxford, having the chance of making your life somewhere far away and having your own apartment. Alone. Considering that at first, I did not want to go and leave everything behind. Then my mom, dad and Keith gave me a two month lecture. For two freaking months.


ectures always ending with "nothing is worse than missing an opportunity" or "wasted opportunities are what we regret the most." In the end I reconsidered my decision. The single year of not studying won't pass by in vain, I will be working at Lewis Dinner to save money to use when I go to Oxford University in London and to help my parents manage the restaurant.

"Are you excited to meet Chase Evans again?" I was beyond livid when Eve asked. Excited and Chase Evans in the same sentence?
Not really.

"To hell with that!" I proclaim.

"If it wasn't for mom asking, I would not even let a hair of mine fly to that house."

"Mansion," Noah corrected. My mom went all Let's show them respect even after our little conflict and she made it clear that she want's Mr. Evans to notice our presence and avoid misunderstandings. On top of that, something intrigued me, someone to be specific and he had no idea what I had in store for him, I surely have to meet the old Evans once again and maybe bombard him with a few questions.

"They have technically invited the whole town," Said Noah, eyeing the girls which had entered Bobby's, they were excitedly talking about the Evans ball, and we could hear it from where we sat. Meanwhile, I had already imagined that ninety percent of the people in this town would be invited to the Ball. Though it was a small town. We leave in a town where gossip spreads like a riding Bugatti at its highest speed. However, the people in here are actually nice and there is not much drama or gossip to spread.

At least until now.

"I bet the whole town is just the half of people we are going to see there." Eve, ever the dramatic scoffed.

"Stop exaggerating, their 'mansionis not that big for that many people" I quoted mansion using my fingers.

"You can bet on your precious burgers, it is." She replies.

"Mr. Evans son is a piece of meat," one of the girls said, she is a brunette which I recognised from afar.

"Really? I heard he is scarier than the devil himself, so I naturally assumed he is ugly." I looked at the blonde like how a mother would look at her five year old son when he has just memorized the whole alphabet. If I knew her I would straight away high-five her.

"Forget about the ball, are you guys ready to go to college?" I decided to change the topic, Eve scrunched up her face.

"Yes" They simultaneously respond.

Eve says no and Noah says yes.

"Oh come on, is twelve years of studying not enough for people?" Eve rolls her eyes.

"If you want to get a nice job, guess what? No it's not." I assert. She rolls her eyes once again.

"I'll be there with you." Noah hugs Eve. Normally I should be feeling left out, but as I look closely I notice something and give Eve the What-am-I-missing? look. She sends me a sheepish grin and stands up. "Kylie, come with me to the bathroom."
I stand up and follow her.

"Spill" I say closing the bathroom's door.

"He likes me." I could see that she was nervous by the way she kept on twisting her fingers.

"And you like him too" I grinned making kissing faces.

I'm acting like Keith now, ew.

She nodded and I asked "Why are you guys not dating yet?"

"That's the thing," She frowned. "He told me he likes me and he knows I like him back but he is not making a move for it. " She starts walking back and forth.

"I'm so confused, you have no idea. Why is he not making the first move?
Sometimes, I even doubt that he really likes me. Sometimes I feel like kissing the life out of him and other times I feel like really kissing the life out of him because of the way he keeps on frustrating me. " She continues walking back and forth but faster. The things love does to people, I mentally slapped my forehead.

I stopped her by putting my hand on her shoulder, she looked at me and I gave her my best stern and piteous look. Scratch that, I gave her my mom's daily look. "I thought you were better than that." I said. She gave me a confused yet dark look.

Before she could start talking I opened my mouth."Eve for God's sake, stop acting like a fourteen year old, you know Noah, he can be all... He can be- Noah can be... Too Noahish! Besides you have never seen him with other girls before. Let me remind you of Roni, the girl he had a crush on when we were 13 and if I remember correctly he was one of the shyest boys I've ever seen around the girl he liked, so it's pretty normal for him not to make that big move, after all he already said he likes you and that's a huge deal for someone shy like him." I looked deeply into her eyes.

Damn, I feel like a therapist or something.

"Maybe this is your move to make, don't miss an opportunity you might regret not taking Evelyn." I mutter and she smiles at me.

Falling for people just seems so goofy and stupid.
I hope not be one of those people for the next twenty years.

Expect updates soon!
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With love


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