two- interviews

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// n i a l l \\

"Niall!" Skylar called as I was brushing my teeth in the tiniest sink possible. She stormed into the small bathroom in only a black bra and panties, holding a blue and black skirt. "Which one looks better with the white shirt you bought me?"

I looked at her up and down in the mirror, smirking as I spit into the sink. "I think yeh look sexy the way you're dressed right now."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please," she grumbled and turned sideways in the mirror. "I'm so...bloated." She groaned and rubbed her hands over her stomach. I came over and rested my head on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Ya look stunnin' darlin," I whispered into her ear. She turned her head and smiled, kissing my lips. She squirmed out of my grip and smacked my ass with her skirts. "Which one?"

"I like the blue one," I shrugged, folding my arms. She rolled her eyes at me. "It's mint Niall. But I think you're right. Mint it is." She said and waltzed out of the bathroom. I chuckled and walked to the back of the bus, to the game room. Liam and Louis where screaming profanities at the TV while playing Mario Cart.

"Go fucking go Yoshi!" Louis screeched and dramatically jerked his sterling wheel.

"AAHH!" Liam screamed as he almost fell off the edge of the track. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a water out of the mini fridge. I was dressed in a nice shirt and nice jeans, and Skylar walked in wearing the mint skirt and a white flowing tank too tucked into her skirt. "Ready Niall?"

"Yup." I popped the 'p' and stood up, grasping her hand and pulling her through the bunk beds. Ned and Tom were waiting in the front for us. We opened the door to the tour bus and walked to the black SUV, me lifting Skylars waist so she can climb in. I went into after her and Paul shouted through the bus door, "Be back in 2 hours! You have a concert today!"

"Will do." Tom shouted and started the car, pulling out if the parking lot. "So...are you excited?" Skylar asked.

We were driving to an interview for Nickelodeon, and it was my first interview with Skylar. We drove to downtown California and pulled into the parking lot of Nickelodeon studios. I walked I the back doors with Skylar, lacing my fingers into hers. She fixed her black beanie hanging off her head and smiled at me. We walked into a room, and took a seat in the fold up chairs. Someone came over and pinned a microphone on our shirts, and Skylar grabbed my hand.

"Niall this is so nerve wracking. How do you do this all the time?" She laughed, shaking her head. I chuckled at her, and drew small circles on her hand.

"It's not that bad. I guess yeh just get used to it after a while." I reassured her.

The lady came in and shook out hands, giving us a huge smile. "I'm Eliza Turner."

"Niall Horan," I smiled. She turned to Skylar, smiling wide.

"You must be the famous Skylar Poole," She smiled and gave her a small hug.

"Yeah," She giggled, blushing a bit. She was so cute.

"Alrighty, we are on air in a few." A worker said, coming in and padding a bit of powder on Eliza and Skylar. Some got up her nose and she sneezed like a bunny, looking at me giggling. Fuck she's adorable.

"Hey guys it's Eliza here." She smiled at the camera. "I'm here today with the Niall Horan, and his new fiance." She smiled and the camera turned to us.

"So, the big question here I think is how did you two fall in love?" She asked, folding her hands in her lap and turning to us. Skylar looked at me and gave me her 'please talk for me' pleading eyes.

"Well, uh," I started, clearing my throat. "We met in a hospital for...personal reasons." I said. 

"I guess I felt head over hells for 'er. And for personal reasons again, she was left with no one. And, the guys and I took 'er and her friend in-"

"The one who is dating Harry Styles?" She interuped. I nodded. "So we fell in love like that. And taking her in was one of the best things we ever did." I smiled at her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the personal reason you were at the hospital?" She asked Skylar. I clenched me jaw, glancing at her. 

"My home life... was't very good," Skylar mumbled, her voice shaking with uncertiancy. Elizas'  mouth formed an 'o', and I prayed that she would drop the topic. For both our sakes.

"Anyway, How long have you two been together?" She asked. 

"About a year." I smiled, grabbing Skylars hand. Eliza smiled, winking at us.

"So..." She shifted her weight. "When is the wedding gonna be?" Skylar snorted and I glanced at her as we started laughing.

"We haven't thought far into the future. But sometime next year I'm sure." Skylar concluded, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Final question about your relationship from the fans," Eliza smiled, looking at her papers. "Are you going to have a kid anytime soon?"

"Uhh..." Skylar grunted, looking at me. "Again, haven't thought that far into the future." She said, faking her biggest smile. The rest of Elizas questions where about the upcoming tours, new music, and how it left to be on the road again after our very long pit stop in Illinios. 

Once the interview was done, we exited the building and went to the car where Tom and Ned where waiting. They drove us back to the hotel, and we saw Louis chasing Emily with a frozen fish stick. "What the hell..." Skylar mumbled and watched them run around the underground parking lot. I burst out laughing as Paul came up to them, and made Louis do push ups because he flipped someone off. 

"They do not put up with his sass." Skylar giggled and stepped out of the SUV. I kissed Skylar goodbye and followed the guards up to the hotel, so we could get ready. I caught up with Zayn and pulled him aside. "I need to talk to yeh."

"What is it mate?" He asked, rubbing his chin. I sighed and shifted my weight.

"Do you think something is up with the girls?" I asked. Zayn thought for a few minutes and nodded.

"Yeah. Jordan is being all cautious around Skylar, and everynight they go into the back."

"Do you think they are not telling us something?" I asked, running my hands through my hair.

"The girls wouldn't hide anything big from us Niall. Don't worry," He chuckled, slapping his hand on my back.


A//N: oh if only you knew zaynie boo. if only you knew. >:)



well im updating twice to please you feel thirsty bitches, so be happy. :D jk

off to write chapter six for the girl that was supposed to die. tehe. thanks for almost 100 reads! lol i cant believe its already at 56 and i have one chapter oops haha. 

ily dingos 



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