seven- christmas dinner; well almost

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7:00 a.m.

christmas day

The alarm blared loudly in our ears and I shot out of bed, Niall cursing at me. "Whatthefuckareyoudoindbdbsszvf," He groaned, squishing his hands over his face.

"You're mom is coming for Christmas today Ni, and I have to start cooking now," i said, hopping around our room to yank one of my uggs on. "So everything can be perfect."

"I'm up for just ordering Nandos for Christmas," Niall said, chuckling at me.

I put on the other boot. "You're always up for ordering Nandos." I rolled my eyes and switched on lights, skipping down the wooden stairs.

"Merry Christmas baby!" He screamed from the bedroom, and I just laughed at him. I switched on the kitchen lights and stopped dead in my tracks.

I don't even have a fucking turkey.

"Shit," I said and jumped as the door bell rang, and swung open.

"I figured you would need some help," Rylee said and hauled in a bag of groceries, Harry chomping on a banana behind her. I gasped and threw my arms around her neck, breathing in her cinnamon perfume. "Merry Christmas love," Harry cooed and kissed my cheek.

"I have a turkey, canned cranberry sauce, canned corn greenbeans and carrots, corn bread mix, mashed potatoes and stuff for the stuffing." She said an un bagged the food. Harry went into the living room and flopped on the couch, turning on QVC.

"What the hell is this?" He asked me.

I pressed the buttons of the oven and giggled at him. "Its a shopping show for old woman and pregnant woman who can't sleep."

"So, do you know how to make a turkey?" Rylee asked me. I stopped.

"No." I said, biting my lip. "But I do have a cheap cook book I bought for the house." I said and threw open a kitchen drawer. I flipped in the book until I saw a picture of a turkey and set it on the table.

"And the directions are in French," I groaned, slamming the book shut. "What are we gonna do?" I asked.

Rylee furred her eyebrows and un packaged the turkey, almost stabbing herself with a knife. "We are gonna wing it. I've watched my mom do this ever since I was a kid and I think I remember a little."

"Do you actually know what your'e doing?" I asked cautiously.

"If I said yes, I would totally be lying." She sighed.

8:00 a.m.

christmas day


"Em, are we goin' to Nialls today?" I knocked on the bedroom door quietly. There was some movement and she threw open the door, dressed and ready to go. "Well we aren't leaving now..."

"You're not, but I am." She said and trued to squeeze past me. I stuck my arm out and pushed her back in front of me. "What are you talking about?"

I glanced at the ground and saw her dark purple suitcase, zipped up tight. I peered into the room and her picture frames where no longer perched on our dresser, and the signed big bang theory poster left a gaping hole in the wall. "What's going on Emily."

"I'm going back to Chicago." She sighed. My heart stopped and my stomach squeezed together. "W-Why?"

"It's not you Lou it's me-" She said, her eyes brimming with tears. "They all say that." I mocked.

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