Act Sixteen

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(A/n: ITS OUT! As mostly always the art is not my own but I do hope you enjoy! Did you know it is actually hard to find pictures of guys with red eyes and brown hair?! So sorry if the pictures are not accurate. If you want a picture on what they characters look like look for the first ones I placed, even those are better than my drawings in how I wanted them to look.)

"Um, with all do respect, please stop smiling." (Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, trying to focus more on the food instead of her kidnapper.

Valerio's smile grew like a weed, his eyes flashing mockingly. "Why?" Valerio moves a little closer, leaning over the table. "Do I make you uncomfortable, princess?"

In return (Y/n) scooted back in her chair. "Ye-!" Her silk voice was cut off by her chair leaning too far back. She yelped, the chair's back clashing with the hard floor with a clank. The princess's back felt stabbed by the chair's wooden carvings on the back.

Her eyes darted to a moving figure in the corner of her eyes. "Was that a yes?" His voice came out like smooth, slightly warm, butter.

"It-ow-was." She slowly lifted herself from the chair, twisting her body to get on the ground instead of the chair.

"You are such a klutz, it's entertaining." He walked closer to her, grabbing her arm to practically throw her back up. "Now how about we talk about the wedding plans?" Valerio cocked his head to the side, slightly pushing out his chest as he grinned viciously in her direction.

"I already told you, I don't want to marry you!"

"And I already told you to stop yelling." The king gave the princess a dangerous look of irritation. He calmed down before stating. "You are going to give me a migraine before the honeymoon." He waved his hand around in the air. The grip of the princess's arm nerves faltered, even after he shoved her back into the now upright chair. Valerio leaned closer above her weak form, his brown locks falling past his ears. "I suggest you shut up before an accident happens."

The princess shivered, knowing that his voice screamed with hostility. Her gaze shifted away from his harsh one, back to the table where the silver domes covered the unknown food underneath.

That is when her gaze locked upon a fork the king held tightly, his knuckles showing discoloration and becoming white. Her eyes grew wide at her new findings, not wanting to see him use it with the strength he possesses.

Bloody like eyes followed her own, bright, (e/c) ones. "Oh, are you scared of me now? Now that won't help us have a perfect relationship." He mocked with an ever growing smug grin. "Don't worry too much, I don't intend to hurt a doll like you unless you irritate me. Besides, I need you to look good for the world."

"You-are, um-scaring me." Her voice faltered and cracked in between two words. The (e/c) orbs not moving from the possible weapon.

"Good, fear causes obedience." Taking his large hand, Valerio took a tight grip on the princess's face, squishing her cheeks within his grasp. "Do I make myself clear?"

(Y/n) swiftly nodded, his grip not moving. His other hand slid back to the table without the fork in hand. Fingers brushing against the cool metal, he took hold of it and revealed the meal underneath.

Steam gently rose from the dome, giving off a powerful aroma of perfectly cooked steak and potatoes. Taking a better look she noticed asparagus, baby carrots and baby corn soaking in the beef gravy with the potatoes.

Unknowably (y/n) mumbled words as the inside of her mouth started to create saliva. "Mmh."

"When was the last time you have eaten? You must be famished."

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