Act Twenty-Two

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(A/n: Sorry for the wait, huge writers block. I knew I had to get a chapter out, so I quickly placed what I could to get something out. Anyhow, enjoy! Credit to the original artist!)

Manson lead (y/n) father into the ship, a door in front of the both of them. "This is Stephan's office if your wondering." Manson informed the female.

"Oh, okay." She simply replied to the information as the pair entered the room.

The captain sat down with his feet on the desk and a large map in his hand. "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing here?" He rushed to stand up, a feathered pen falling onto the floor with a soft thud. He grumbled, picked it up, and placed in back on the desk near a small container of ink and a few papers.

"The princess wants to know where she'll be staying for the night, or I should say I want to know." Manson hurries in front of the captain's words, knowing very well that the man doesn't like to be bothered when in his office.

He grumbled again, this time walking up the the two. His amber eyes scanning the princess more than the large man beside her. "She can sleep in my room. I don't completely trust the crew with girls."

"Good, is have to agree with ya' on that last part."

Stephan glanced back to the map, his head nodding to the man's words. "Yeah, also there is a port not too far from here that we'll stop at for some business."

Manson listened to the small exchange. "Yeah, I remember that guy I think, the one with the purple like aura, can't remember what he wanted though..."

(Y/n) silently watched the two exchange words, wondering what they were talking about.

"A book or somethin', nothing important though."

The chef nodded like he did before, this time taking hold of the spectator's forearm. "Well that won't be too bad of an thing to do, it'll be easy to finish that. Anyway, I'll take this girl to your room."

"Got it." Stephan said, moving back to his chair while pulling out a compass and sitting down.

The pair exited the room to get to Stephan's room. "What-Who were you and Stephan talking about?" (Y/n) said out of pure curiosity. "And what did you mean purple aura?"

"Ah, nobody you need to worry about, just a customer wantin' our services. The other thing is how I see people, did you not notice I was blind?"

She looked into his glassy eyes with her own (e/c) ones. "But you can clearly see?" Her statement was more of a question.

"Yeah, just not the way normal people see. I use magic to see outlines of things. Normal people are green, magic people are purple and creatures or animals are red. Things around me or plants are white, other than that I can't see anything else." Manson answered to the astounded female.

"I'm sorry."

Manson slightly chuckled. "Why are you sorry?"

"You can't see anything other than outlines."

"And? I can still see unlike blind people without magic. Besides I still can tell when I see someone beautiful." He nudged her shoulder with a smile on his features.

(Y/n) blushed from the small gesture. "So you are a sorcerer like other magic people? What do you see when you look in a mirror. What do I look like?"

Manson laughed a little harder this time. "Yes I'm a sorcerer, born with magic, and I se purple when I look in a mirror. For your last question, I'm not sure."

(Y/n)'s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It's a new color, a bright one."

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