Those Who Scheme and Those Who Lie

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Guess who's back, bitches? ME! BOW TO YOUR DARK LORD!

     "Sh-h-h-h-h-h . . . quiet now. Killing time... soon." A certain pilot muttered in his sleep. Currently inside the cockpit of his titan, (Y/N) hugged his smart pistol close to his chest, having wondrous dreams . . . of . . . something. Suddenly, an air horn noise was played on full volume. The pilot shot up, smacking his head on the top of the cockpit. It would have hurt, but like every normal human being, he wore his helmet in bed. As 'bed' as the upright seating of a cockpit chair could be, anyway. 

     "Pilot, I suggest you ready yourself for the school day. You have approximately one hour."

"Yeah - thanks for waking me."

"I detect sarcasm, pilot."

"Oh I bet you do." Osiris didn't answer, but instead opened the hatch, allowing (Y/N) to step out. Quickly and efficiently, he put on his armor and loaded his sidearms. Looking at the time, he saw it hadn't been that long. He left anyway, however, not wanting to stick around in the hangar for the next fifty five minuets. 

      The sky was grey, as if rain was coming, but there were no dark storm clouds at all. For once, (Y/N) had little brain chatter; things were calm. One might not think much of this, but for a pilot, seldom is a relaxing moment savorable. Of course, since his arrival to Beacon, those types of days were becoming less and less scarce. 

     Students could be seen around the courtyard, talking and walking around. Doing what students did in a magical world with beasties of darkness and such. "Hello. You must be (Y/N)." You turned around to be met with an interesting sight. Three people, each dressed in Haven Academy's black uniforms. There was one guy. He had light grey hair and dark grey eyes. Standing beside him was a girl with darker skin; green hair and red eyes. The last was the one standing in front of them - the one that had spoken to you. She had jet black hair with, oddly enough, amber eyes. 

"Yes. There something you need?" You responded. 

"Aw, don't be like that. We only want to get to know you." Her voice was low and . . . slightly sadistic. She gave off an aura you didn't like.

"Yeah, well, sorry to disappoint you, but, I have other places to be." You turned and started walking away.

"That's too bad. I was really looking forward to meeting the great pilot hero that defended the Atlesian Paladin facility." You froze in your tracks. How did she find out about that? Spinning on your heels, you walked back to them. 

"I'm sorry, where did you hear about me doing something like that?" you tried to emphasize the lie, though she seemed not to buy it. 

"Don't deny it. Word travels fast when you have the right contacts." She said with a smirk. This raised your suspicions even further. 

"Uhuh. Who did you say you were again?" You asked. 

"Cinder. Cinder fall." She stuck a hand out, which you accepted, though ignored the light burning sensation your hand received from it. "The two behind me are Mercury and Emerald." She gestured at the boy and the girl. 

"They couldn't have done that themselves?" You raised a brow. Not like they could see it, anyway. Cinder only smirked, and tensions started to rise. That was, until the silence was broken. 

"Why don't you take that helmet off? It's not like we're in combat class or anything." Mercury said, a hand resting on his hip. 

"Yes, it is quite strange that you always seem to have that on. Why don't you take it off and show us your face." Cinder began reaching for your helmet, though before she got within three inches, your hand shot out and snagged her by the wrist. 

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