A questionable encounter

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Melanie's POV:

All I can think about is how long it will be until I see him again. Only minutes have passed since I left the station but I've also left the only person who has made me actually feel special.

I rest my head against the slightly fogged up window and tiredly gaze at the remains of London. It was only a week and bit ago that I first saw this view and it was unfamiliar to me. And not to mention I wasn't alone. Ed was with me too but now I'm back here on my own . So much has changed. All I could think about was how nervous I was to be travelling somewhere new and now all I want is stay more than ever.

I don't want to dwell on it because i have been so lucky, so instead I think about all the amazing things that have happened. I've met some of the most lovely people who I consider my close friends. So many people would do anything to be in my position and before I came to London, I never even really listened to David's music or even knew who Mick was ! I am so thankful and I guess that's what I should focus on more than anything.

The train is quiet which is ideal as I'm so tired and all I need right now is to take a long nap. I've haven't really had the time to relax so I put on my jumper and try and fall asleep...

3 hours later :

I manage to get more sleep than expected and wake up far from London which I can tell, from the vast amount of greenery outside and lack of buildings. The clouds look heavy with rain , blocking out the sun , except the few golden rays trying to peek through. I'm more awake now and I'm probably not gonna get anymore sleep so I decide to read the rest of my book. It turns out I only really managed to read one chapter when away so I spend a while trying to read my way through the rest.

After about half an hour I begin to feel hungry and irritable so take my satchel and look for the train buffet.

I order a caramel coffee and blueberry muffin and as I'm waiting for my food I acknowledge a man next to me, having a lengthy conversation on the public train phone.

He has very dark hair and is wearing all black . I'm so bored, so I try and listen but by the time I can actually hear what he's saying, the conversation seems to be over.

"Yeah i was slightly bothered about it being cancelled but we're going away tomorrow night so we'll be busy. And Woody I'm sorry about what happened, maybe it was for the best ?"

My eyes dart up as I hear the man mention the name Woody. Surely it can't be the Woody that David dropped from the band ? The guy did also mention that he was going away tomorrow night and I'm pretty sure that's when the everyone is leaving for France too. Is there a connection here? The only thing that's making me doubt that, that could be the case, is the fact that he's travelling away from London, so maybe he's not anything to do with it.

The man puts down the phone and orders some food too which gives me the chance to find out what's going on. I smile at him trying to show that I'm approachable and put on a confident face.

"Travelling far?" I ask, acting like I'm actually interested.

"Not very I got on at the last stop but I'm just heading to the airport." He replies. He has a very british voice and it's rather low but kind.

"Oh, where are you headed to?"

"To France , for a business trip. I'm a pianist and am going, to record a few bits."

Oh my god. I knew it.

My heart beats faster but I'm super intrigued and want to know more about his guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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