Struggle for Trost Pt.4

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Chapter 9: Struggle for Trost Pt.IV

Wall Rose, Garrison Division

Dot Pyxis stood before the inner gate of Trost, now shut and completely surrounded by cannons and barricades. Behind him stood his command staff and the rest on the Garrison forces those are still gathering, regrouping and preparing for the upcoming counter attack.

On the other side of the walls lay the city of Trost. A previous bustling hub for trade, then the frontier city of humanity and now a battlefield where the fate of humanity might be decided right now.

Highest ranking Commander of the Southern District, As soon as the news on the breach in the wall reached his ears he sent out riders to gather reinforcements and rushed towards the city to take command.

"I want a situation report Captain Woermann"

"Ye-es Sir." He stutters.

"The Front guards were all but wiped out during the initial Titan invasion, The elite vanguards have been pulled out of the city by my orders. But more than half of the trainees and soldiers those were at the middle defenses are still unaccounted for."

Pyxis slighted lowers his head. Lots of soldiers have died today giving enough time for the city to be completely evacuated. Moreover, a lot of trainees were still unaccounted for and can be presumed as dead.

Returning back to his previous posture his ears caught up the sound of the ferocious battle going on the other side of the wall. As soon as he reached the outskirts of the city he received vague reports about an outside force that is fighting the Titans inside the city. Hundreds of cannons and guns could be going up on the other side.

"Hmmm. Captain do you have any report on the outsiders ?"

"Sir, According to the reports the outsider force entered Trost nearly two to three hours after the wall was breached. As soon as they were inside the city they began engaging the titans and drawing the bulk of then in the city towards them."

"Hmmm.. anyone made the first contact with them yet?"

Woermann slowly turns his head towards Ian and nods. Gesturing him to come forward and present his finding to the commander.

Noticing this Ian quickly responded

"Sir!, I made the first contact."

Pyxis slowly turns his head towards him.

"Good so, what are they like ?"

Ian began describing how the outsiders looked and how they arrived riding in their flying machines and engaged the Titans with their repeating muskets and the mighty hand cannons.

"Interesting" Pyxis spoke. "From your description, it appears that our friends are armed with highly advanced weapons and are capable of engaging and outright destroying a Titan without the use of ODM. Did you witness the use of their weaponry with your own eyes? ?"

"No sir," Ian replied. "It was all reported by the soldier stationed for evacuation duty. I did witness the aftermath their weapons left on the dead Titan. Its face head was nonexistent when I arrived at the spot. It had been blown up to bits like our cannons could do with an HE round."

"Sorry to interrupt sir, but your elevator is ready." A soldier said.

"Good," Pyxis said as he walked towards the elevator along with his escorts waiting for him to take him on to the top of the wall.

Ian followed him into the waiting elevator as ordered by his commander.


"Yes sir, What I have heard they clearly spoke in our language but with a completely different accent. Moreover, the commander of this unit used a black box attached to his left shoulder to converse I presume with their commander but in a completely different language, I could hear voices coming from the box but I was unable to understand even a single word what their commander spoke through the box."

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