Chapter 1

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A bright beam of sunlight hit Jesse in the face. She stirred a bit, and opened her eyes, waking up to another day. The hero let out a yawn, as her vision shifted from blurry to clear.

She stood up and stretched a bit. Jesse walked over to the window and looked at Beacontown. The sky was cloudy and a little cool, but everyone went on about their lives like usual. It was as if nothing happened some time ago.

Five months had passed since the chain of events that unfolded in Beacontown. The gauntlet, the Sea Temple, the Ice Palace, the Sunshine Institute, the Underneath, and the Terminal Space. All of those unlikely events, because of one individual.

The Admin. Or as his real name was, Romeo.

Five months had passed since Jesse and her friends defeated Romeo and saved Beacontown. And at the same time, it meant that it had been five months since Jesse failed to save Romeo from the Terminal Space. She removed his admin powers, and convinced him to come with her, Petra, and Jack. However, Romeo sacrificed himself to ensure that the others could escape, when a prismarine giant tried to prevent them from leaving.

And five months felt like forever for Jesse. She remained in Beacontown, leaving Petra to go off on her own, but she assured Petra that she would always be her friend and be waiting for her when she returns. The repairs in Beacontown were completed, and everyone had gone back to their normal lives.

Almost. Normal felt strange for Jesse now. After all that happened with Romeo, it felt strange to go back to a normal lifestyle, even after five months.

But all was well for the hero in residence. She was home in Beacontown with Lukas, Radar, Jack, and Nurm. Ivor would be returning soon from his travel to revisit his old friends Magnus, Gabriel, and maybe Soren, if he could find the architect. Petra was off on an adventure, where she felt happy and content. Beacontown was saved.

Though for Champion City, it was another story. Romeo did more damage to Champion City by destroying it with a simple clap from his hands. Jesse felt bad for Stella, but now that Champion City and Beacontown were in an alliance, some citizens of Beacontown offered to help Stella and her people run the repairs.

Jesse let out another yawn. She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out some clean clothes. She changed into her usual attire of her overalls, shirt, and brown shoes, and headed out of her room. She made her way downstairs, where Lukas and Radar were having breakfast.

"Good morning Jesse," Lukas greeted her.

"Good morning, boss!" said Radar.

"Hey Lukas. Hey Radar. Morning," said Jesse.

"Things are still running smoothly here in Beacontown. Though a couple citizens requested that you drop by and see their new builds now that repairs are completed," said Radar.

"I don't mind. Besides, I was thinking about checking on Jack and Nurm, see how their shop is now. And I haven't seen how Champion City is doing with repairs. I might as well check on Stella and Lluna, now that we're friends," said Jesse.

"I'm probably going to get back to writing tomorrow. It's been nice to take a break, and help out around Beacontown, and spend time with you guys, but I need to get back to work. I hope I can finish my novel by next Founding Day," said Lukas.

"We'll all be ready to read it when the final result is published, Lukas," Jesse said, giving him a smile.

Lukas smiled back, blushing a bit as he did.

A little while later, Jesse finished eating breakfast and went for a walk through Beacontown. As she said, she checked on what the townsfolk wanted to show her, and seeing them building again made her happy. Knowing that her people were able to adjust back to a normal life in town, it made her smile to see them happy.

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