Chapter 6

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Jesse and Lukas woke up to hear Stanley shouting in excitement.

"First day of school! First day of school!" he shouted.

He ran over to the couple's bed and grabbed Lukas's arm, trying to drag the blonde out of bed. Lukas groaned.

"Stanley, it's still early..." he said, before yawning.

"I don't want to go to school... five more minutes..." Jesse said, half asleep.

"Not you, Auntie! Me!" said Stanley.

He jumped on the bed, startling both Jesse and Lukas. Stanley continued to jump on the bed as the couple yawned, waking up fully.

"Alright. Alright. We're up," said Jesse.

"Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Whoa!" cried Stanley.

The child fell off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. Jesse and Lukas quickly got up and rushed to him.

"Stanley, are you alright?!" said Jesse.

"Of course I'm okay! I'm excited to start school!" said Stanley happily.

Lukas and Jesse smiled nervously at the child. Even after falling off the bed, Stanley was still the hyper, excited little kid he was. And now that he was six years old, Stanley was old enough to go to school.

"Come on! Come on! I can't wait to go!" said Stanley.

He dashed out of the room, leaving Lukas and Jesse alone. The couple smiled, but after the child was gone, their smiles faded.

"You talked to him about using his powers at school?" asked Lukas.

"Yes. I made it clear that he knows not to use them," said Jesse.

She let out a yawn. "I don't want to shelter Stanley because of his powers, which is why he's going to public school," she said.

"I know. It'll be healthy for him to make friends. I just hope that he doesn't end up going down the same path Romeo went down..." said Lukas.

Jesse fell silent for a minute. "I know..." she said, before heading out of the room.

She walked downstairs, where she saw that Radar and Nell were awake as well, and the intern was getting some breakfast for Stanley. The intern finished preparing some toast and handed it on a plate to Stanley.

"Thank you, Uncle Radar," he said.

"You're welcome Stanley," said Radar. "I hope you have a good first day of school."

"Same here, little dude. You have fun today and make some friends," said Nell.

"I will, Auntie Nell!" said Stanley.

Radar and Nell blushed a bit.

"Uh Stanley dude, just call me 'Miss Nell' or Nell. But you can call me 'Auntie' if Radar and I ever get married," said Nell.

"But you're together, right? So I can call you 'Auntie'!" said Stanley.

"Well, we are together, but we're just dating. We're not a couple like Uncle Lukas or Aunt Jesse," said Nell.

"Oh, you're not?" asked Stanley.

"Not yet..." Radar muttered under his breath, quietly so no one could hear him.

"Maybe someday though," said Nell, giving Stanley a smile.

"Okay!" Stanley said, smiling back. Then he proceeded to eating his toast.

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